Billy Graham | – Life’s Most Important Question | Billy Graham Classic

What must you do to be saved? Billy Graham explains in this 1993 message from Columbus, Ohio. Watch more #MondayNightClassics every Monday at 8 p.m. Eastern.

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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Much more than Crusades, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is reaching more people than ever before through innovative ministries and global outreach projects.

Comment (40)

  1. Billy Graham he's a good preacher every word he said is the truth and the truth will set you free thank you Lord sending this a human being mankind as a gift to the people thank you Lord thank you Jesus Christ

  2. Billy Graham was so good at showing people that they are sinners in need of a saviour but then he blows it with a false gospel message of faith plus works equals salvation nonsense.
    He says that you must repent of your sins and give your life to Christ for salvation. Works and more works.

    To have Everlasting life you must admit that you are a hopelessly lost sinner and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before and trust Jesus Christ as your only hope of getting to Heaven. You are trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation. Jesus gets all the glory for saving anyone and as such He will not save anyone who is trusting partially in their good works and partially in Him.
    Jesus Christ paid for all the sins of all the world (past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation years. When you have believed you have repented unto life.

  3. What a message!!! Let me say instead what a God that we serve. Thanks again Lord for this great man of God was Billy Graham. I am truly blessed, and I can't stop listening to this message. I got goosebumps when listening to this one. People need to understand simplistic things are always difficult to understand, specifically when it comes to the words of God. Christians around the world, please wake up, God almighty is alive and still at work today and forever. Thanks God for your grace. Amen

  4. Do you notice a lot of the stuff Graham says he don't really read scripture! Plus that you read your Bible there is only a certain amount that's going to heaven! States that some tribes will only have a handful! Jesus said a camel has a better chance going through an eye of a needle than we do to go to heaven! That's why the Father in heaven Sent His only begotten son, to give his life for our sins! He is the only why in! If you know the Sun then you than know the father! You can't have the father without the Sun!

  5. God's love has always filled me with inspiration the joy he takes in my life seeing me overcome my sinful desire has given me strength to overcome any problems that come my way thinking of others first putting myself second as we all should do amen

  6. I enlisted in the Navy in 69 to escape the hell of a dysfunctional family life.

    Prior to making that choice, I attended a few churches, a Methodist Church, the Salvation Army, and a Lutheran Church, but the message of the Gospel, perhaps because I was so young, had not penetrated my mind. I understood, and believed strongly that God existed, but I didn't know what to do with that knowledge.

    Then one day aboard a Navy destroyer, while standing in a lunch chow line, one of the electricians began to talk to me. He stood behind me, introduced himself, and asked me if I knew Jesus. I told him that I had learned of him as a boy, but what was this knowing he was talking about.

    He went on to explain the Cross and Jesus's sacrifice that He willingly paid for me due to the love He had for me as a sinner whose iniquity would send him to hell if he would not repent of his sins, acknowledge that Jesus rose from the dead, and receive Him as my Lord and Savior.

    I did nothing at that time, but while we were on the mess decks, taking our seats at separate tables, I looked over at my friend, Don, as he gave thanks to the Lord for providing, and my heart was pricked, I fell under conviction.

    That night as I was lying on my rack, I asked Jesus to forgive me, not once, not twice, but repeatedly, not realizing that Jesus had heard me the first time. In the morning when I arose, I was a brand new person, I knew that something dramatic had taken place in the deepest parts of my being. I was forgiven and saved, my heart had been regenerated.

    So excited I was by my change that I ran through all the sections of the ship to announce my conversion, my rebirth. Prior to that moment, I was a rebel who acted out in defiance to authority. Now, I was just the opposite. I threw myself into my work like never before.

    My overseers noticed my change and my appraisals indicated it . In all my time aboard that ship I could not recall the first church service ever to be held, so I requested from the ship's Commander if we could please hold services on the flight deck on Sunday mornings, to which he consented.

    Several other fellow sailors were saved as a result of my conversion and the witness my friend, Don, who continued to share the gospel.

    It was the most wonderful time in my life, a springboard into a new way of living and thinking.

  7. God's Word the Bible has the answers to all of mans' problems, giving hope for peace here and now and assuring a place in Heaven through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior of lost souls who avoid the wrath of God come Judgment Day.

  8. You may also read the "Present", a short text for free on the" Global Truth Project".The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus.A life- changer!

  9. We as Christians do not want to accept that hell or heaven is solely not just our decision. GOD will judge the just as well as the unjust, many phophecy, cast out demons and do many works in my name. And he will say I KNOW YOU NOT depart from me workers of iniquity…