Christian Songs TV | – Best Of David G" Songs | Nigerian Gospel Music | Praise |Worship |Gospel Songs 2017 |Full Video 2020

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You definitely can’t resist the power in these well-compiled soul reinvigorating worship songs from amazing artistes!
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Christian Songs TV - Praise & Worship Christian Songs TV - Praise & Worship

Comment (44)

  1. Wow thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use you mightly, really each time I get to listen to your songs, Sir,am ministered to, you are such a blessing, your easily make worshipping the Lord a part of one's life..

  2. Juliet Nneamaka Nwaogwugwu

    song: Arugbo Ojo, means – "The Ancient of Days." It is being sung in Yoruba Language from Nigeria to be precise, which means as follows: Mowole fun wo – I bow down before You, my God). That is, "I bow down before You, my God, the Ancient of Days!" Also, Mimo Mimo niyo means, Holy! Holy! is the Lord. Atun Aye se niyo- You are the God that rearranges life. Atun Orise niyo – You are the God that rearranges Destiny. Atun Owose niyo – You are the God that rearranges the works of my hands!
    Erujehjeh Ma niyo – You are also, the God, the lifter of my heavy Burden! Eledami –

    God my Creator! etc. Pls go ahead whenever you are less buzy and type in google search engine Yoruba language translation to English language. Then, try and listen to the song again and type in the spelling of the words you hear I believe that will help you grasp other meanings. I hope my little explanation helps, Thanks, dear!

  3. I have been transported to God's Holy Presence. Oh Sweet Jesus tis so good to worship you with this blessed hymns. I mean I am feeling all "floaty" (if that is even a word) but in my heart there is this warm fuzzy feeling like it is about to burst and I am smiling so much. It is really heaven on earth. Bless the soul who took the time to compile these hymns May God embarrass you with favor all round. You are mightily blessed Emmanuel and Shalom to you.

  4. God sent his only son, Jesus Christ to help us all, save us all, and love us all. Jesus rebuilt the gap between us and God. Without Jesus, we are all lost. This song is amazing. Every time I listen to it, I start to tear up because of all the things Jesus did for us. Jesus is in our hearts. He fixes the broken. Without Jesus Christ and God, where would we all be? We are blessed by Jesus Christ and God. This song tell us just what Jesus and God can do. This song brings a tear to my eye. Amen