David Platt | – Follow Me Book Trailer

Is it possible for people to say they believe in Jesus but not truly be born again? Is it possible for people to claim they have accepted Christ into their hearts yet not actually be Christians? Not only is it possible, but according to Pastor David Platt, it’s also highly probable. David is convinced that many people in our churches today are misled as to what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. Western culture has drained the lifeblood out of Christianity and replaced it with a more watered-down version of the gospel that is so palatable it’s not even real anymore.

Follow me. The call is not an invitation to say a prayer. It’s a summons to lose your life.

Visit http://www.followmebook.org and download the first chapter.

About The Author

Radical Radical exists to serve the church in accomplishing the mission of Christ. We long to see the church making disciples who make disciples who make disciples throughout the world -- from our neighbors across the street to the unreached people groups across the globe -- all for the glory of God. Resources from David Platt.