Derek Prince | – Endurance Part 1 of 5 – Endurance is Essential – Derek Prince

Endurance Part 1 of 5 – Endurance is Essential – Derek Prince

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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (9)

  1. This was right on time praise God, I've been strengthening my walk with the Lord at a very faster pace here recently and it seems like my wife is actually going the opposite way. All I can do is pray. Its so frustrating

  2. Endurance is essential for survival and for success.

    Formed ? : How can we cultivate endurance

    Romans 5 : 1-5

    Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, (B)we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have also (C)obtained access by faith[b] into this grace (D)in which we stand, and (E)we[c] rejoice[d] in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only that, but we (F)rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering (G)produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and (H)hope does not put us to shame, because God's love (I)has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.


    James 1 2-4 : …….consider it pure joy through suffering and tribulations

    Strength = becoming mature and complete not lacking anything

  3. 7 june 2021 i'm so afraid cause they did w on my other animal children and they died so please pray for my children cause i had received d nightmares with my other children dead or dying and then they died; i also received d nightmares where my children who are alive were ill or …. ; these don't seem to be just dreams ; please Holy God don't let em be prophetic ; cause the d keep repeating everyday several or many times a day that ashley and christy or ashley or christy are … (already …) or that they're going to …. ; wow; and when i'm looking for them, i'm afraid of what i'm gon find…. ; cause i don't remember since the d are attacking my memory so much but i think the other day they said in my head that tb joshua was gon die soon; 
    and a few days later tb is dead !!!! they also said that david diamond and arturo norero were gon die; david's a preacher and arturo's a pastor ; and they kept saying kimberley was gon die and she died; they kept saying chelsey and lindsay were gon die, in my head and they died; and now they keep saying that of my two only remaining rabbits; so i'm very worried ; God's gon send an asteroid, then 8 meteorite, one in europe; i'm from europe; there's gon be worldwide hunger and thirst; i got to feed my three children!!!! dog and two rabbits; in may 2021 the d or w i dont know, made me have d dream of 4 crows; i now don't have 7 children anymore; i got 3 children and wayna's dog ; so i got 4 loved ones now; not 7 anymore; 
    in 2020 i think it was, they gave me a d dream of 7 black birds; 3 of my children died; now i don't dream of 7 no more but of 4 ; i'm very worried!!!!! please pray that God all powerful cancels everything these non humans or humans did to my children!!!!! in Jesus Name!!!! in may 2021 i saw crows thrice i: twice in a d dream, and once i was awake sort of, kind of sleeping, and my eyes were close and i saw 4 crows; i don't remember, or the four crows were when i was sleeping ? then i don't remember if sleeping or sort of awake, i saw one crow; days after or before, i saw again one crow; i saw one crow and exactly a month after my bird jenny died; dreaming of one crow means one of one's loved ones are gon die; 
    which means if you dream for instance of two crows, two loved ones are about to die; now ashley's been having serious health problems; she peeled a large part of her butt, back legs, pee problem cause of a parasite; extremely shocking!! and i thought : well i can"t say, power of the word, but let's say i thought i know the reason of this …. ; so i thought this was gonna …. ; but she's doing better; but pray for her back legs cause she loses balance, has difficulties with her back legs and almost doesn't walk, just lies down all the time ; and pray for kylie please cause she's recently had problems with one of her back legs, running and walking only on 3 legs; 
    cause d dreams of my kids …. + seeing my kids …. me being sort of awake + seeing crows being awake + dreaming of crows; and not even one crow, but 4!! wow; i'm so afraid !!!!!!! i don't love nay humans, i don't love the humans living with me; so these crows don't mean jaime, patty or elodie are gon die, no; nor any human i know; cause i live with jaime, patty and elodie; but the other day, a d said in my head that patty was gon die; and the other day i dreamt i was stabbing patty plenty of times but it wasn't her, it was a d that pretended to be her; i had dreamts months ago that i was stabbing kylie my daughter dog and ashley my daughter rabbit; and a few days ago, i dreamt again that i was stabbing kylie and cutting parts of her body, shocking!!!! then i think i stopped cause i thought, maybe it's not the d pretending to be kylie anymore but maybe it's her!!!! then i'm not sure but i think i was stabbing many times ashley and again i stopped cause i thought what if it's ashley??; several d nightmares recently, so crazy !!!!! and they tried to murder me cause i informed on twiter a bit about the c …. ( disease that's killing many on earth) and i wrote i said something like the s i rulers of the world created the c to kill many, reduce the earht's population, s conspiracy ; miracle of God that i'm not in hell and alive!! 
    last time they threatened of taking away all the internet from this house ; cause i sometimes inform about them; stabing the people you love the most in the world does it mean you're the one who's gon …. them ????!!!!! or that it's gon be your fault that they will ….. ???? oh no!!!! i don't have money for the hunger and thirst!!! water will be way too expensive after the asteroid; please pray for us, that God be merciful unto us and gives us money!!!! cause we're 3 animals and 4 humans; and for their salvation, protection of my beloved animals & of these humans; i don't think there's anything positive bout stabbing animals or humans in d dreams; dreams ?! nightmares!!!! it was so d !!!!! also i dreamt several times for years and recently that i had killed elodie; we so don't get along; she's probably my worse enemy; i wish i had never met her; she's so mean!!! dreaming of that can mean the enemies of God are using s mind control or something or w to make you become a murderer and mruder that person someday, years after!!!! so please pray for her; i don't wanna be d possessed and mruder anyone nor her!!! please pray for patty cause i was stabbing her in the d nightmare!!! how come i got these nightmares ?? 
    i ,,, never ,,,, watch horror movies and never will ; i thought that was how these d came in the spirit of the humans, thsoe d that give this sort of horrible nightmare where they torture you, chase you running, wanna kill you or where you're stabbing people and animals; please pray God gives a long life to my thee loved ones dog and rabbits, please in Yeshua's Name!!!! and protects them from the d, the d;;;s , the s, w, all forces of darkness, in Jesus Name; thank you all !!!! also wayna has a gigantic dog; i don't know how he's gon be able to feed him during the world hunger; please pray for that dog, i love him like he was my son !!!!! wayna don't have enough money to feed him and we don't have enough money to feed my 3 kids and us 4 humans; thank you all infinitely!!!! GOD told elsa there's gon be a cockroach plagues soon; modified cockroaches, not real ones, something like half cockroach half d or something!!!! they'll attack the intimate parts of the humans; wow!!!!! do they also murder animals ????? oh i wanna have never been born!!!!! to think a few weeks ago i had 4 children now 3!!!! to think 10 months ago i had 6 children now 3!!!! they murdered my chelsey lindsay rabbits and jenny bird with w !!!!! 
    don't know who!!!! please pray that i stop having evil thoughts, hatred, unforgiveness!!!! cause this opens the door to w ; then they can you know what your loved ones to punish you !!!! God allows them ; have they murdered my children because i kept informing about the s i on the internet these past few years ?? i'm not gon stop informing!!! so please pray for my children !!!! i'm so heartbroken to see the empty cage of my prince jenny; i wanted to die!!! i think they were killing me that day patty told me jenny had gone to Heaven; cause i was crying and crying shouting and all of a sudden my heart started beating so fast; i couldn't breath, couldn't calm down my heart; horrible!! and a pain on the down left side of my belly; was i having an infarctus ??? the d wouldn't stp saying that day and everyday after cause i was so depressed : kill yourself ; yes i wish i wasn't alive cause i've lost all my previous chidlren these past few years from 2016 to 2021 cause of w ; so i'm evidently frightened for my 4 loved ones: my 3 childen and wayna's dog ; so yeah i wish God would give me salvation and that very moment i would kik the buket so i woudn't see my children you know what …. ; i can't bare that; everytime it's a nightmare; my children young, healthy and either dying suddenly with no reason, or suddenly becoming seriously ill, and dying 3 to 7 days after; 
    and several of my kids years ago, rabbits, and this year jenny bird, died on a date that belongs to the d…'s s numerology!!!!! not a coincidence…. ; and so their death weren't normal ones, i ;;; know ;;; it's w also cause the d would say many months before my children died, that they were gon die ; they already knew!!!!! ashley my princess rabbit, it's not normal that she doesn't run, exercices, walks; just lies down all the time; she's 3!!!! she's young!!! a bunny can live 8 12 years!! i know what iscauses this…. it's so ,,,, abnormal ,,, that she was helahty and all of a sudden this ; butt without hair, back legs without hair, pee smelling too bad and the pee not going on the floor but on her butt and back legs; out of nwohere; tell them to murder and curse me Holy God, not my children please!!!!!! in Jesus Name!! tell them they can damage kill my healthy if they like! not my babies!!!! if my babies all ….. i don't wanna live anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ashley is totally sedentary, like an animal or human very ill in a hospital and her sis who is 5 , runs, walks all around the house; she's almost 2 years older and yet much healthier; not normal… ;

  4. Its also good to read the Present with Religion, a book available for free on the internet.The book is about the truth of life and it shows the full picture of life for the first time so that you may stop being deceived by the world and be able to follow the steps of Jesus and other prophets to Heaven.Knowing the whole truth of life is the key factor in our salvation.We must know the real truth, all of it and live in it and change ourselves according to it in order to be saved.There is no other way to our salvation.With the knowledge of the truth there comes true repentance which means changing our minds and alsk true obediance to God' s law and finally our sanctification which is a lifelong process.And God in His mercy will give us His wonderful grace which is the time and ability to make the proper change.Only in this way will we be able to attain our eternal salvation.Our task ia to find this narrow gate that leads to God and do it quickly and stay on it till the end no matter what.Then and only then we will be saved.There is nothing more important or serious to do in this fallen world as our eternal fate depends on it.