Derek Prince | – The Enemies We Face, Part 1 – The Structure of Satan's Kingdom

In this probing four-part series, Derek Prince exposes the origin, structure and operation of the kingdom of darkness—and presents the keys to overcoming it victoriously.

About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (46)

  1. I used this same logic in regards to Jesus' sisters. In Matthew chapter 13 it says, "…and all His sisters live here amoung us."

    Joseph and Mary must have had at least three daughters. Otherwise, Matthew chapter 13 would have said, "both".

    As Mr. Prince reasoned… You can't have an "all" without at least three. Otherwise, you are both grammatically and mathematically incorrect.

    God bless!

  2. Powerful message, at the end he said witchcraft is coming back. How right he was considering this was preached years ago and now there's a lot of witchcraft around incl psychics and mediums! The devil is a the father of lies and a defeated foe..

  3. Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for sending us this man and thank you who is still sending out his message to the world, his teaching is very important in this day and age, thank you Lord Jesus Christ for blessing us Threw the Lamb of God by the word of God, Amen.

  4. Only KJV should be used due to the fact Rev 22 states clearly one is not to change the word. People can understand what KJV means if they are saved an if they can't then I guess study. All other versions are corrupted versions of God's word. Pastor Prince is a great preacher but he should have let other Bible versions alone

  5. Proverbs 6:16-19 God cites 6 behaviors that He HATES, and a 7th behavior that He ABHORS … whose behaviors do you think God is saying He does not want His righteous people to imitate? SATAN … Satan's behaviors are evil … when you see his behaviors imitated by humanity, you know who they are committed to and worship … SATAN!

  6. Why did God give us our senses and emotion of neither can be trusted? How can I possibly know what to do next if NOTHING I think is real is not. I'll be become a paranoid or go insane. Or lock myself in a cave somewhere in sheer terror.

  7. If he was the minister of the local church I definitely would have attended, I'm wondering how can I be baptized and who can I contact to do this and are they qualified and sanctioned by God to do this! I love how the audience is listening and writing stuff down!

  8. Is anyone having problems downloading Derick Prince on YouTube pro? YouTube has erased all my spiritual videos and says can't find link when I can go correctly to the video ? Appreciate any feedback

  9. Your worst enemy that you are not aware of is the one that resides and is yoked with your spirit since birth because you have not been born again from above in the Spirit who is the only one that can reveal this truth to us by opening our eyes to see and ears to hear the whole TRUTH in His WORD!!! You are just a man, preacher that's been part of many apostate churches preachers and pastors for a very long time by now!!! Of course you preach Christ and the truths of scriptures but you still preach with a double minded spirit that we all have at birth from the tree of knowledge of good and evil knowing both good and evil and truths and lies!!!

  10. Brother Derek was a sincere man of God walking filled with the Holy Spirit of Truth. A great teacher of God, and he spoke the truth about our world, and our reality here. All Praise, and Honor, and Glory be to Jesus Christ the Teacher of teachers!

  11. They are invisible spirit beings inside flesh in blood, this is a huge misconception, there were demons in flesh in blood that walked right up to Jesus. We cannot see their souls but we can see them and discern them by the way they act who they worship… I believe there are invisible spirits as well but many have bodies just like us!