FULLER studio | – FULLER dialogues: Black Scholars in Post-Civil Rights Institutions

On January 22–24, 2020, the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies held its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. This year’s event featured as its keynote speaker Stefan Bradley, professor and chair of the department of African American studies at Loyola Marymount University, who spoke about the history of Black scholars’ experiences in elite higher education institutions and the work that needs to be done in such spaces today. The week’s events were hosted by Dwight Radcliff, director of Pannell Center and assistant professor of mission, theology, and culture.

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FULLER studio FULLER studio, an endeavor of Fuller Theological Seminary, is a free source of podcasts, long-form reads, contemplative films, and other resources for a deeply formed spiritual life. http://www.fuller.edu/fullerstudio