International House of Prayer | – I Knew What I Was Getting Into // Misty Edwards // Fascinate 2016

Misty Edwards sings the song “I Knew What I Was Getting Into” with a time of spontaneous singing during the Fascinate 2016 Conference in Kansas City.

Watch the full worship service here:
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The International House of Prayer (IHOPKC), founded by Mike Bickle, Misty Edwards, and twenty full-time intercessory missionaries, has been crying out to God in prayer with worship since September 19, 1999. More: [support us]

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International House of Prayer International House of Prayer. Through multiple weekly uploads and a 24/7 live stream, our Channel provides music, teaching, and promotional content for the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. IHOPKC is a Christian missions base centered around a 24/7 prayer room that has Live prayer with the worship around the clock for the last 20 years. Find out more at 3535 E. Red Bridge Road Kansas City, Missouri 64137 Phone (816) 763-0200

Comment (11)

  1. The LORD GOD said .* ( PHILIPPIANS 2 : 1-5 * If there be therefore any Consolation in CHRIST, If any Comfort of LOVE , If any fellowship of the Spirit , If any bowels and Mercies .( 2 .) Fulfill ye My joy that ye maybe Like minded having thesame Love being of ONE ACCORD of One mind .* ( 3,) Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory , but in Lowliness of mind , Let each esteem others better than themselves .( 4.) Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others .* ( 5.) Let this mind be in you which was also in CHRIST JESUS ) so > JOHN 15 : 12 * This is My new commandment , That ye Love one another as I have Loved you ) because > * ( EPHESIANS 6 : 12 * For we wrestle not against flesh and blood ,but against principalities , against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in a high Places ) * and if we do this , This is what the LORD says .* JOHN 13 : 35 * By this shall all men know that ye are My Disciples if ye loved one another ) Saith GOD Almighty !! ** GOD Bless your ministry my brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS .* Let us share the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST unto the world to catch the lost souls for GOD Loves us all .* GOD BLESS EVERYONE !!

  2. the Lord bought me back to this song right now after a loss during the corona pandemic God is Faithful we cannot be discouraged no matter what is in front of us right now He is still Worthy of Praise.