Jimmy Evans | – God's Purpose for Marriage | Jimmy Evans

The Overcoming Life is a ministry outreach dedicated to helping people succeed in life and thrive in their personal relationships with God and others. Hosted by Jimmy Evans, this inspiring show will help you grow spiritually and emotionally.

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About The Author

Jimmy Evans Jimmy Evans. Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry that is devoted to reaching couples worldwide with the message of hope and encouragement that marriage works 100% of the time when you do it God's way. Jimmy Evans also serves as the Apostolic Elder of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas. Jimmy holds an Honorary Doctorate of Literature from The Kings University and has authored more than seventeen books. Jimmy and Karen have been married for 47 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.

Comment (3)

  1. Thank you so much for offering these sermons to us for free…I listen to you several times a day 🙂 This video though was especially powerful for me. I am currently praying for my future spouse. Marriage is God's holy institution and I pray that He will bless me with a husband that I will be equally yoked with. Thank you Jesus for Jimmy and Karen Evans and their passion for building up marriages and families your way <3

  2. I love these messages thank you so much that I can freely watch them. God has been changing me in the last 2 years especially to respect my husband as I did not know how to do this only a daily basis. I was never raised to do this. My prayer has been that my heart I choose to open wide and everything that is not of Him be taken out of me❤ i have been working through the soul care principles by Rob Reimer with my counselor and along with your messages from God this has been life changing for me.
    I want to be like Him and if you could please join in prayer for my amazing husband as he is not a believer. Back in the day(26 years ago) we both were not following God.
    My heart aches for this unity that you share from God's Word, unity with the Holy Spirit in our marriage and family.
    Thank you so very much