John Bevere | – The SEND | The Fear of the Lord | John Bevere

In this message, John Bevere talks about what it means to truly fear the Lord and how the fear of the Lord will transform your walk with God.

About The Author

John Bevere John Bevere is an international speaker and best-selling author known for his bold and uncompromising approach to God’s Word. John and his wife Lisa are the founders of Messenger International—a ministry dedicated to equipping and discipling the nations. John Bevere

Comment (16)

  1. I used to be terrified of God and it cause a lot of anxiety and depression in me. It was because I grew up in such a religious household. When I finally got to know Jesus, He taught me the right way to fear God and not to fear punishment or failure. Thanks John! My church is a huge supporter of messenger international!!! We are praying for you!!

    A Christian Somali couple running a Channel called Somali Christian Tv, have been threatened for preaching the Gospel.
    Please pray for them. They have requested for prayer and support on their channel. They have been accused of deceiving many Somalis out of the islamic faith and their blood apparently is free for anyone to spill. A reward has even been given on their heads.

  3. Thank you brother John for that great teaching. We don't hear too much about the fear of God. How can we host and be still in His presence. Can you teach on that? It is the key to empowering us to operate like Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Thank you and your family for all you do for my family and the kingdom.

  4. Jeremiah 8:20 — "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." — scary words. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Matthew 10:28 — "28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

  5. The fear of the Lord means to: Obey instantly, obey even when it does not makes sense, obey even when there is no benefit, obey even when it hurts, obey to completion (not drift halfway into lawlessness). We need to have an intimate relationship with God not because it helps us to be ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven, but it is what we were saved and created for- to grow in His likeness and thereby reflect the glory of our Maker.

  6. I found your book for free in my apartment complex and it has opened my eyes so much to forgiving others! Wow! Think you so much for writing this book. It’s called the bait of satan wow your book is a God sent! God bless you!