Julian Lowe | – Oasis At Home | The Grace Project | Grace In Three Gardens | Julian Lowe (04.26.20)

Discussion Questions:

1. Whichever the 3 “gardens” do you relate to the most? Why?

2. What are some things you feel people do to cover their own shame?

3. When faced with situations they may cause suffering? Does it make you question the goodness of God? Or do you believe God can use suffering for His good?

About The Author

Oasis Church This is the official page of Oasis Church in Los Angeles, CA. Check back and subscribe for more inspiring content from Oasis Church. For more information please visit our website http://www.oasisla.org Oasis Church

Comment (2)

  1. I am so grateful I have found this amazing community. I can't even describe how powerful this message was. I am so thankful to have found the grace project and God through these dark times. Just wow