Living Waters | – Evolutionist Leaves After Christian Says THIS

In this evangelism clip, Ray Comfort is open-air preaching at Huntington Beach. He engages with an evolutionist who seems confident in his beliefs, but when Ray, a Christian, pushes back on the theory-tale of evolution, it gets a little too hot in the kitchen for him and he takes off. Ray Comfort also speaks to a colorful young man who believes he’s a good person and struggles to see himself as a sinner in need of mercy.

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Comment (45)

  1. It's much more calming and easy to listen to when he can talk in a conversational tone and I think the person he's talking to can better absorb what he's saying. When I was a child and went to a Protestant church, and the preacher was yelling and pounding his fist, talking about hellfire and damnation, I couldn't relate. I just wanted to get out of there. I'm not saying that's what Ray's doing. It depends on what location he's in, whether he's close or farther away.

  2. Where is the evidence of the trillions of details that supposedly evolved? There are no intermediary evidences of all these uncountable evolved aspects of man, animal, creature, and nature and evolution couldn’t possibly all have happened absolutely simultaneously. THAT makes no sense.

  3. Now that is a Christian. I'm not sure if I've ever saw anyone on the streets making a legitimate attempt to win souls over for God. Most of the time it's blah blah blah can you make a donation and it's off putting to people. Keep up the good work brother…

  4. Forget the eye, let's just discuss the "next" mutation (according to science of Darwin) that worked, the flagellum.

    Listen, do you believe in evolution? Do 10 minutes of research on the flagellum. It is a motor that is more efficient than any motor ever designed since. It's performance is mind blowing compared to human designed motors. It is a perfectly designed biological motor.

    Do evolutionists really believe that a mutation could create a flagellum? It happened fast too (on an evolutionary scale). 30 some parts have to exist, and work in perfect harmony. If any one part is not there, it won't work at all.

    I guess if you believe that life itself was created by lighting hitting some goo on a rock only 500 million years after earth was formed (per science), you'd believe anything!

    Let's also discuss cosmology, a science that finally proved that this universe is so tuned for life that it could not exist by any possibility, even given roughly 14 billion years to happen. Well then immediately every single atheist professor agreed that there are an infinite number of universes, and we're just lucky to live in the one out of 10 to the 130 something (a number that simply blows billions and billions out of the water) universes that is capable of life as we know it. People who believe science without question are just not very smart.

  5. Wow! ta sec guy is really a man. He is so patience to hear ta good news. Praise God.Ray may you continue to bring more dead souls to Jesus so tat tey too might receive the luv of Jesus AMEN (lots of luv frm Nagaland ,India )

  6. Those that deny the truth don't have the strength or courage to face themselves, that's why they can't accept. They all cry about how bad the world is, but won't acknowledge the part they play in making it that way…

  7. Aww…..I love the way the second guy outstretched his arms to give Ray a hug. It seems to me this young man and his girlfriend were truly grateful that someone shared the Gospel with him. Witnessing encounters don't always happen this way, when the person being witnessed to, shows gratitude that someone cared enough about them personally to tell them about sin, heaven, hell, and God's sacrificial love for them, but it does happen.

    Still, hug or no hug, we as Christians need to be faithful servants of God who obey his commands, including his command to preach the Gospel, regardless of whether it's street preaching or one on one evangelism encounters with people God puts in our path.

  8. I believe in God, not evolution. I know in my heart that Jesus died for all of us.
    He Blesses me every day.
    If there was just evolution and everything came from a single celled organism, why did evolution stop?

  9. You cannot compare men made structures to biological organism. That is the watch maker fallacy.
    I’m not sure if you’ve seen, but if this “god” is real and all good and is the ultimate engineer of all creation on earth, he surly did a bad job in making the eye of humans. The older we get the worse our eye get, and I’m now experiencing that.

  10. Have you ever told the truth, given to charity worked hard and obeyed a commandmet? Yore honest generous hard working and obedient. Congratulations you're a saint and you're on your way to heaven.

  11. Note to self: From this day forward, refrain from commenting on Ray Comfort videos, as a bunch of mocking people of Jr High maturity who can barely string a sentence together will try to "correct" me about things related to subjects in which I have a degree. JESUS IS LORD! Accept it or don't accept it…but stop trying to pretend you're "smart".

  12. according to the bible, we are only evil continually. this means that the only way to be saved is to have your sin totally covered. we all know, there is only one way. only Jesus has the power to save. He told us so. "For none can come to the Father but by me."

  13. We objectively know life was not constructed by a creator, multiple independent fields of science demonstrate this. The eye evolved from photosynthetic cell patches that forms a bowl shaped structure allowing for directional light sensitivity, there are way more steps to properly go into, but we understand hownthe eye evolved completely. These points aren't the best.

  14. I really thank you for the example you’re being to me, it’s beyond measure….I’m trying to live the life worthy of God and the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and every once in a while I’m confronted by unbelievers and I don’t know how to explain to them except I trust in Jesus, God and the rest….thank you you’re such a blessing