Nick Vujicic | – Our Responsibility In Crisis

This special coronavirus message is for Christians around the world. Nick shares words of encouragement for times of crisis like this, and a call to action for the Church. Now is the time for the Body of Christ to rise up and be God’s hand and feet.

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We are stronger together!

About The Author

Life Without Limbs It is a great privilege to introduce you to the Life Without Limbs YouTube channel. My name is Nick Vujicic and I was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given me the strength to surmount what others might call impossible. Life Without Limbs is all about sharing this same hope and genuine love that I have personally experienced with people all over the globe. It's been said that doors open to a man without arms and legs much more easily than to anyone else, we thank God for providing that privilege. I've been invited into very unexpected places to share about my faith in Jesus Christ and literally millions have responded. We hope you will watch, engage with, and share the videos on our channel! To learn more about the ministry visit

Comment (48)

  1. thanks, brother. God is with us and we are a majority with him. I needed to hear that and remember that my Lord is taking care of me in a wonderful and amazing way I cannot explain. He´s with us and He never fails! Haleluya!!

  2. Bendiciones Nick. Dios te siga usando para su gloria. Por nada estéis afanosos sino sean conocidas vuestras peticiones delante de Dios en toda oración y ruego con acción de gracias; y la paz de Dios que sobrepasa todo entendimiento guardará vuestros corazones y vuestros pensamiento en Cristo Jesús. Filipenses. 4:6-7. Gracias por animaron Nick. Dios te siga bendiciendo y también a tu familia. En el nombre de Jesús. Amén.

  3. Ive been preaching exactly what you just said… Confirmation!
    Church time to get out of the boat!!!! Jesus is walking on the water doing the works of God.
    Get out of the Boat!!! Wake up Church! Get out of the pews, get out of the boat… Preaching the good news, to every toung tribe and nation, praying for people, laying hands on the sick to recover. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Go!!!!

  4. My husband is a new believer he is struggling to understand how I am joyful and at peace throughout this mess and sadly it is making him angry. Any advice for how I can help him find his peace and joy and security with the Lord? I've been praying with him, quoting comforting scripture but is there anything else I can do?

  5. Wow nick it's just goosebumps increasing faith words.. Thank u sooooo much.. Specially ur word which u said don't not b afraid jesus has overcome dis world n all dis chaos, turbulence r part of the suffering but do not worry.. Thank u brother really it makes me more energetic.. Keep sending me encouraging n faithful messages alwys..

  6. Hi Nick from Australia. Thank you for saying some Truthful. I have fillowed you for the past 5 yrs. Hope you put more talks out there. As most are from a worldly perspective and l ignore it. I have a neurological illness living with my aging parents. God bless you too. Please don't forget us here in Australia. Jesus help me find you. Kx

  7. I love hearing your positive words, this is what I try to get across to people as well. This too shall pass we are told, and God does not lie nor does His Son Jesus Christ. Bless you and your wife and your beautiful children, and all who work with LWL, be safe and stay well. As I say to people who ask if I am worried, I tell them no. What do I have to fear, knowing where I will go when I die? Absolutely nothing!!! People please change your lives right now if you do not have God or His Son in your lives, it is not yet too late to do make that change in your life. Listen to what Nick is saying, it is absolutely true!

  8. Instead of wondering what would Jesus do, we have the wonderful privilege of remembering what Jesus has already done and we can honour that with thankfulness and joy in our hearts.
    Joy is a gift given to us from God and nothing can ever separate us from the love of God.

    Now that, is a confidence that is unstoppable.

    Thanks Nick.

  9. Nick thank you for your encouragement, knowledge and example, I have learned much from you but I also feel convicted when you speak which gives me hope for a better walk in Christ as I am a sinner who misses the mark far to often and I wonder how or why God cares for and about me even though I have seen his power firmly displayed in my life. I love you and thank god for your ministry.

  10. Thanks Brother Nick! You are awesome! My children and I are watch your video every night, we were encouraged by your speech, and we love GOD, because he loved us first! And we love you too

  11. Hello Grateful Servant of God, Here is my prayer for you this Christmas season…May joy and peace be yours during this happy season of Christmas. Wishing you the most memorable and joyful Christmas season for you and your family. May Lord Jesus bless you with lots of luck and success this Christmas.

    I am sending this message with Heartfelt and warm to express my sincere gratitude toward you and your lovely comment to my service in my MINISTRY.

    Merry Christmas from me and my family.

    Pastor Nick.