Premier On Demand | – Philip Yancey: Finding God in the midst of Coronavirus crisis

Philip Yancey is a well- known Christian author whose books on prayer, the Bible and discipleship have been read by millions.

Philip’s been speaking to Justin Brierley from his home in Colorado about how the church in the USA is responding to Coronavirus and the lockdown measures. They also God talk about how God can bring good out of suffering and crisis.

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About The Author

Premier On Demand Our mission is to enable people to put their faith at the heart of daily life and to bring Christ to their communities.

Comment (5)

  1. God was lost and needing to be found long before coronavirus. The first world church, speaking as a whole, has emasculated the God of the Bible replacing him with a God who loves only with positive acts and functions as a servant to our wants.

    But what’s this? A video offering to be a rescue mission? Helping us to rediscover the biblical God so that we can be properly equipped to look at the virus and ask about his relationship to it? No you can calm down – there’s nothing to see here.

    If anyone was serious about seeking to understand God’s relationship with the virus then they would demonstrate it by starting with an examination of the character of God and then compare it to the man made God currently being worshipped by the first world church. But there was no such effort made here – nor any examination of passages that show that God is always judging such as Romans 1 or Romans 8:20-21. The fact that this video leads to the conclusion that neither Philip nor Justin nor the vast majority of leaders in the first world church would ever conclude that God is judging us is of absolutely no concern to them. They simply refuse to believe what scripture tells them about God’s holiness and justice – they act as if both were destroyed by the cross. If you asked them they would tell you that God is holy – but can someone please tell me what relevance believing in the holiness of God has if in any situation in which he expresses it those who claim to believe in God’s holiness refuse to consider him present? And that leads to another question – if he isn’t present where is he? Here are the only possibilities I can think of:
    -that he caused the virus
    -that he gave the devil permission to cause it (see Job 1)
    -that only in part the virus is God deciding that the allotted number of days for some on this earth are complete.
    So the third option could be combined with either of the first two. And we can’t be certain that the virus isn’t a combination of the first two as well.
    But I should stop now – I’m doing all the work– unlike the people in the video. Maybe it’s time they did a little bit. Premier why don’t you find somebody in the UK – there must at least three and a half people who still believe in biblical Christianity that you could ask – who think that God’s judgement is part of his love? Because it is – and anybody who doesn’t think it is, and anybody whose theology is consistent with God‘s love being only represented in positive acts, is not suitable to talk to about the virus.

    And having done that why don’t you find an interviewer who can attest to having experienced God’s discipline and concluded it was love? Because anyone who knows God in that way will simply refuse simplistic dismissive explanations that rule out God’s involvement in any negative event.