R.C. Sproul | – Should I ‘Let Go and Let God’?

In this brief clip from an Ask R.C. event in 2014, R.C. Sproul debunks the idea that Christians are sanctified by ‘letting go and letting God.’

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About The Author

Ligonier Ministries Ligonier Ministries is an international Christian discipleship organization founded by theologian Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971 to equip Christians to articulate what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it, and how to share it. Proclaiming God’s holiness is central to Ligonier’s purpose. Ligonier produces Renewing Your Mind radio broadcasts, the Reformation Study Bible, Tabletalk magazine, books through the Reformation Trust Publishing division, and various teaching series. It also offers academic degrees through Reformation Bible College. In addition, Ligonier hosts national and regional conferences, offers an online learning community through Ligonier Connect, streams twenty-four-hour Christian internet radio through RefNet, and makes available thousands of unique discipleship resources online at Ligonier.org. Ligonier Ministries

Comment (13)

  1. The Christian life, however, is a spiritual battle which the Bible exhorts us to prepare for and wage diligently. “Fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12); “Endure hardship . . . like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3); “Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11). Letting go, and letting God is not biblical.

  2. Amen to the late, great Dr Sproul! Indeed the grass withers, flowers fade but the Word of God Endures forever!! Howbeit the Lord says STRIVE to enter the narrow gate, Luke 13:24 To he who CONQUERS will the right be given to sit on My throne. Rev 3:20 And BE ALL THE MORE DILLEGENT to make your calling and election SURE! 2 Peter 1:10. I fear a great many sleeping bridesmaids will cry out "Lord LORD! and He will say depart from me evil doers." for why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say? Yes, even the LUKEWARM shall be SPIT OUT of His mouth! Rev 3:16 For it is the DOER of the Word who is justified before God! Rom 2:13 Of a truth, the Word of God is filled with exhortation to actively pursue righteous living as a result of the free and unmerited gift of salvation for the glory of and testimony of God. For there is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT. Romans 8:1-3
    Thank you Jesus that because of the imputation by Your sacrifice, Your righteousness can and will be lived out in and through your elect! Hallelujah!

  3. Interesting. Most of the time I hear the phrase let go and let God its usually in reference to things we cannot control. In that instance I think it is fine, though cheesy. But if its in reference to sanctification, thats a fail. So thankful for Dr Sproul.

  4. Be still know that I am god. that’s what the term means let go,let God provide.Its all about surrendering to the moment and letting God take care of the future . You see if we have no stillness our mind will never have peace. I can guarantee whatever you’re seeking in this world you really don’t want you see you really want God the Oneness in Christ. Let God

  5. Great message. It is interesting how R.C. Sproul says our sanctification is synergistic but we know as reformed our salvation is monergistic.
    Arminians of course would say our salvation is synergistic also.