Robert Barron | – Bishop Barron on the Canonization of St. John Henry Newman

Bishop Barron reflects on the recent canonization of St. John Henry Newman, which he attended in Rome. Find more on Newman at [support us]

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Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (46)

  1. Thanks for the update Bishop. I have been listening to the audio book of Apologia Pro Vita Sua, and the most fascinating thing is to discover how a very serious and deep-thinking man changes his mind so dramatically over time. And how he defends this profound shift. It is food for thought today!! How Newman engages with slander, controversy, isolation, and misrepresentation, by delving deeply into the fine grain of the ideas that shaped his decision, is a thrill. It's a testament to the way of truth. I recently watched your Pivotal Players video and found this very engaging too. The Mass held at London Oratory was very moving and you really felt the presence of Newman's contemplative but acute mind overseeing it all.

  2. Thank you Bishop Barron for this video. As a great devotee of John Henry Newman you will certainly have enjoyed making this clip.
    I have been a great fan of yours for many years and always regarded your views as universal for the Catholic Faith. Only recently have I come across YouTube channels which are critical of your views, and some of them quite radical, or even very radically opposed to your opinion. In hindsight I can see that some of your videos must have been quite challenging for you. And that's why I believe you really enjoyed making this particular video.
    I am waiting now for the critics of Henry Newman coming out of the woodworks 🙂

  3. Great commentary from Bishop Barron as usual. Technically lovely colour but the audio was absolutely terrible & very distracting. The close-up worked, with that lovely background but the wide shot didn’t. A beige wall is not that interesting. The moving (gimbal?) shots were just too much, drawing attention to themselves & away from Bishop Barron’s comments. The video needs to be reshot – but with a tripod & wind cover/protection for your radio mic. The jumping between wide (4K?) & close-up might work in a music video, but not here as it is just too conspicuous, again drawing attention to itself rather than the story or content. As Scripture says ‘there is a time and season for everything’, so jump-cuts may work for you under different circumstances. It was probably worth a try & may have not been too bad if it were not for the poor audio quality. And for the record I’ve made all these mistakes myself, so am totally sympathetic. Best wishes with your next video.

  4. Excellently, thank You for your video! John Henry Newman, incredible story! There are serious indications. If I am not mistaken. That he was gay. Buried next to his lover.
    Are you the Church ready to meditate this? Or is that still tooooo dangerous?
    Thank You, much love in Christ!

  5. I went to Bishop Neumann I never knew anything about him but then I found out he was a Jew which makes much sense about the right and the left and I see that he was a great man and I love talking about him to my Jewish friends because that's what Jews need to know about and also that he was a Protestant it's something to show the world that there is hope in the Catholic Church PS the boys tnt and I mean caddy boys nothing about St John Neumann only the hate and the lies keep on going don't give those guys the time of day

  6. ,It’s also really silly to put St. Newman in right or left categorizes because each country and culture kind of have their own definitions of what is left or right wing. Heck, even people who are from the same country and couture could have their own definition.

  7. Bishop Barron, great video, and a great new saint. Our Catholic Church has a leader, the pope, the theological depth of church history, Mary, and the saints. Other churches, be they Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and the various Protestant sects, all have less than our Church, lacking sometimes Mary, saints, any leader, dedication to good works along with faith, etc. So, they seek Jesus and heaven with somewhat fewer strengths than we have. I can only pray for them and hope they succeed in their quest for eternal life. Hopefully all us Catholics, and those other churches, get to see St. Newman's teachings, piety, and love of truth. A great example for the world, indeed. Thank you.

  8. Why don’t you address the pagan worship of the Amazonian Synod? The goddess Pachamama that has been venerated in front of the Pope and processed in churches, St Peter’s and the Synod hall? What would Newman have said about all that…?

  9. I had a similar journey. I never left the Catholic Church, but like St. John Henry Newman, I wanted to know and find the truth. Like him, I researched the early church fathers and read their writings. It soon became apparent to me that Christ actually did found the Catholic Church and that the practices and teachings of the church in the New Testament were the Catholic Church’s practices and teachings. I started to love and participate in the Mass and am now better aware of what is going on. The Eucharist has become my favorite part and the primary reason why I go to Mass.

  10. Consulting the laity – "Today, we would kind of take that in stride." Would we? Most consultation I have seen (Australia) is pro forma and tends to affirm whatever the people running the event and/or initiative already think. Then they put out videos and documents, often featuring their associates and friends, repeating their views – views that resulted from their "consultation" with the laity. Working class Catholics, most of whom are migrants, do not get a look in and are looked down on for not being white, middle class "Australian Catholics". We haven't even begun to be a proper communion bar the minimum-maximum of communion in the Blessed Sacrament. That is not nothing but still pretty feeble. We are meant to be transformed, not conform so as to secure/protect power and privilege.

  11. Bishop Barron , I’m thinking of the immortal words penned by St John Henry Newman-‘ Lead kindly light amid the encircling gloom .. the night is dark and I am far from home.’
    You have inherited this mantle . God Bless you for leading so many to the faith

  12. If you think Newman is an intellectual giant, let me introduce you to Edward Pusey, the true genius of the Tractarians. Pusey also did not spit upon the Grace of God he received within Anglicanism, as Newman did. Newman, in being "re"-Confirmed and "re'-Ordained, and rejecting the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist he'd received as an Anglican, was denying His Lord and Savior there. That is what you ask of Anglicans when you demand we spit upon the Sacraments we've received.

  13. I took Newman as my confirmation saint when I converted back in April because he’s a convert, and all he had to give up to follow the truth, because of his fight against liberalism (by that I don’t mean American politics but philosophical liberalism, hyper individualism, enlightenment errors, &c.), and the way he bared his cross in all the suspicion of him on all sides.

    I’m just finishing up his Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. Excellent read! The first section on the Development of ideas would be beneficial even for the non Christian to read! And, little known to the theologically liberal and theologically conservative alike, St. Pius X himself wrote his approval of St. Newman’s writings on doctrinal development and said that it was in harmony with his encyclical Pascendi, which condemns Modernism and the thesis known as “the evolution of dogma.”

  14. If we speak of "liberal" and "conservative," Newman must firmly come down in the anti-liberal camp: "For thirty, forty, fifty years I have resisted to the best of my powers the spirit of Liberalism in religion." The only sense in which Newman was ever associated with "liberalism" is his very Catholic view that ultramontanism is not Catholic doctrine and that the Pope is indeed very fallible in most exercises of his authority, but not all.

  15. Being present at the Canonisation of St. John Henry Newman was a true privilege for me. I just want to say that here in Birmingham UK, was home & sanctuary for Newman for 40 years. He was not only a great theologian & writer but he lived a life of true humility & love for the poor & suffering. He has shown us how to be humble, kind & to care for those who need our help. He has brought the message of Christ to the streets of Birmingham & now to the whole world.

  16. The background looks like something from Assassins Creed. I’m trying to listen to Bishop Barron but God keeps interrupting with the glory of his creation and the architectural artistry of his humans. Life is amazing.