Robert Barron | – Kids Q&A with Bishop Barron

Friends, in this episode of the “Word on Fire Show,” kids from around the world ask their burning questions about God’s favorite food, whether heaven has an edge, and why the ground shook when Jesus died on the Cross. Enjoy!

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About The Author

Bishop Robert Barron These are brief and insightful commentaries on faith and culture by Catholic theologian and author Bishop Robert Barron. The videos complement his weekly sermons posted and podcasted at

Comment (32)

  1. From the holy Gospel according to Mark 10, 13-16 
    At that time they presented Jesus with children to touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus, seeing this, became angry and said: "Let the children come to me, do not stop them, because of those who are like these is the Kingdom of God. I assure you: whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a child will not enter it "And he embraced the children and blessed them by placing their hands on them. 

    Blessings from Puerto Rico.

  2. Wow. I am seventeen years old and all those children seem to be much wiser and holier than I am. I was not like them when I was younger.

    God bless you, Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt. And the children as well.

  3. These kids along with their parents are great thinkers! I only began seriously asking and reflecting on those questions when i was in my 30's. Love the way these parents are supporting the kids' spiritual and intellectual growth.

  4. Wow, that's a lot of air miles. Who paid for that?

    A serious question though: where does hell fit into this? Does the infinitude of God permeate it? Because if God is 'infinite' (like you say), then surely this infinite nature must incorporate hell? Mind blowing, right? Because infinity does not exclude. It is boundless. Does that mean that hell is a creation of our Catholic God? And that our God is, in part, hell? Because that would be sad. But true… I guess?

    Maybe if I stop believing in my Catholic God, I will stop believing in hell too – and get on with a happy, guilt free life. Sounds like a good idea, right? Because hell is a Christian concept. An evil concept. Without Christianity or Catholicism, there's no need to stress about horrible, evil ideas like hell. You could almost say: give up Catholicism, give up the threat of hell. Imagine living a life like that.

    Think about that.

    But infinity can be a great idea too. A lovely idea. Like, for example, think of the infinite ways you could choose to live your life outside a faith that threatens you with hell.

    Praise God.

  5. We are dysfunctional family !!! but dysfunction we refuse to see which is GREATER THAN SEXUAL SCANDAL IN CHURCH IS SCANDAL OF NEGLECT!!!! Our Churches hierarchy does not give a flying hoot about catehesis. Ask your average Bishop how many catehists he met in the last year and talked about catehesis for like 3 minutes or more? I have been cathehists for years 0 interest from any priest in my church how my kids are doing? At least 80% of my children will be NONES and not because of scandal but neglect of their parents and pastors . I talked several other cathesists same experience.

  6. So heaven is like Disneyland?
    Are you kidding?
    I would never tell my kids that!
    Maybe it’s a cultural thing.

    Ps storms come because god wants the plants to grow and wind is fantastic (5 year olds don’t get tectonics or crop-burning)

  7. I doubt the effectiveness of this. As a theologian it’s hard to to talk to an alien like a 6 year old. It’s a language that needs to be learned by our kids.
    As a kid I had priests who talked to me like this and it made little sense. Yes, faith is an adult job but prepare the kids properly.

  8. Then you start talking about parents having drug and alcohol problems? Parenteral drug addiction, cruelty, hatred, violence.

    This is answers to kids? Or to who?

    Downtown LA pastoral trauma.
    In the rest of world we don’t have those problems.

  9. Children are amazing. Their questions are supremely profound in their directness and simplicity, yet answering the question on the same terms can confound the greatest minds. Kids really are, in that way, closest to God’s own nature.