James MacDonald | – Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God: Follow Him | John 1:35-51 | Authentic Jesus Part 3

Follow James MacDonald: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJamesMacDonald Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamesmacdonald Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pastorjamesmacdonald More: Support this ministry: https://jamesmacdonaldministries.org/changepartners/ Watch More From James: Sermon Clips: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvpHsZofNaMSqHQJv53YfElZaGuwFsfWz Pastor James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith. His original Bible-teaching ministry, Walk in the Word, launched on as a radio […]

Warriors for Christ | – Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone

Today’s so-called Christianity is based largely on carefully selected New Testament verses that are twisted and contorted to make them teach a “soft Christianity”—a costless faith with 0 works and indifferent to clear biblical teachings on what is moral and shat is not. Getting saved is usually based on a temporary emotional experience where the […]

Warriors for Christ | – Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone

Today’s so-called Christianity is based largely on carefully selected New Testament verses that are twisted and contorted to make them teach a “soft Christianity”—a costless faith with 0 works and indifferent to clear biblical teachings on what is moral and shat is not. Getting saved is usually based on a temporary emotional experience where the […]

Warriors for Christ | – Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone

Today’s so-called Christianity is based largely on carefully selected New Testament verses that are twisted and contorted to make them teach a “soft Christianity”—a costless faith with 0 works and indifferent to clear biblical teachings on what is moral and shat is not. Getting saved is usually based on a temporary emotional experience where the […]