
N.T.Wright | – Coming Soon: 'Themes in the Gospel of John'

In just a few weeks, our newest course by N.T. Wright, ‘Themes in the Gospel of John’ will be available! The best way to prepare is by enrolling now—at a major discount—in ‘Worldviews, the Bible, and the Believer’. Enroll NOW at a major discount: https://www.udemy.com/worldviews-the-bible-and-the-believer/?couponCode=AUG_YOUTUBE

N.T.Wright | – What Does John Mean by Glory?

The word “glory” is used to describe God, and is also ascribed to man. Learn more about what that means in our forthcoming course “Themes in John.” The best way to prepare is by enrolling now—at a major discount—in ‘Worldviews, the Bible, and the Believer’. Enroll NOW at a major discount: https://www.udemy.com/worldviews-the-bible-and-the-believer/?couponCode=AUG_YOUTUBE