The Bible Project | – Is the Tree of Life Practical? – BibleProject Podcast

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We are concluding our Tree of Life series with a question and response episode. In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to audience questions on the theme of the Tree of Life in the Bible. Thank you to everyone that submitted questions!

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BibleProject BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos. Our videos and all of our other resources are available for free to help people everywhere experience the unified story of the Bible. For the entire list of our localized channels visit BibleProject

Comment (42)

  1. this video reminds me of a guy doing math, never coming up with a solution bc he never brings new factors to the equation.
    you almost answered questions… Cain was in Edom not Eden.. and is the same as if you kicked your child out of your house which was perfect and all Good.. it would not take long for your child to cry at your door and beg forgiveness to be let back in but the parent knows his heart is still hard… it is the same with Adam and Eve… the only answer to completely banish the first two humans is to give them earth… that the home of G-d is all good.. perfect and allowing a child with a dim light can not dwell in G-ds world and must be banished not able to return without G-ds grace… Adam and Eve were taken from G-ds planet and G-d created Earth for them… So in order to make scents you must consider G-d is an. ET…,, maybe this is the reason the Catholic Pope told the world that ET is real… im just say'n

  2. just to add on last thought… the tree of life grows at G-d world.. stated by the book of Enoch… and what happens is when our bodies dissolve our energy returns and the Tree of life gives our energy form once again and returns to earth if our light is not bright and nothing but good… if our light is bright with life and light, the tree of life can give us a new form with a new heart and, will be able to live among G-d and be his servant to no other…. peace

  3. Hey, i am quite interested in the topic of humans outside of the garden, refered to in Genisis 4:14 , when Cain says to God "Whoever finds me will kill me". I was wondering if you guys have ever done a video or podcvast where you discuss it that you could refer me to? Thanks 🙂

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had been thinking for years that the key characters of the Bible had to be representative of larger people groups, but never dared talking about it with anyone. I need to keep learning from you guys, you are so fantastic!! God is with you, yes He is!

  5. I love it!. With man it is the spirit of man that steers him through every decision. if that spirit is the tree of knowledge, then man chooses according to what he perceives as good or bad (for him!). When we have the Holy Spirit, it is the love of God that guides our decisions.
    So the converse is also true! Look at your decisions…. were they made to benefit just you? You then must receive the Spirit.

  6. Look at Jonathan Pageau for further symbolism of these stories. The Bible Project is a great primer, but The Symbolic World dives headlong into biblical symbolism and iconography. Cheers

  7. Interesting about how we become and look like trees (the idol) when Adam and Eve took of the tree as they self-seek wisdom. God then actually kills an animal and makes clothing for them because even their own way of covering their shame, guilt and sin is inadequate. That is the one of the first prophecies of the coming sacrificial necessity of death (even the death of God Himself on the cross) to make us right with Him again? I've heard this somewhere.

  8. I'm sry but I'm not a fan of speculative banter.. I'm referring to the answer that was given to question 2, I believe about Adam and Eve covering themselves to look like a tree. This practice of speculation is unnecessary and at best harmful. Truth is, only God know. Yes anyone can assume.. I can, you can, these guys have.. But the harm come from adding "hidden meanings " into scripture that isn't clearly there.
    Why can't it simply be the fig tree happens to be one of the only fruit trees with huge leaves? They sewed the leaves together, imagine trying to sew leaves from an apple, pear, plum, etc.
    Bottom line is that it is unhelpful and even harmful add speculative meanings into God's word.
    May God bless you all

  9. Love your work. Gents. Would you please allow me to enter into your interp some hypotheticals. BTW Thank you for your work. I gleen from often.
    So, let's say this tree is the place where all life of his likeness, his kind, come to be, our father brings his like into being through this tree. Then there is another tree. The tree of serpentine knowledge.
    It may be understood as the boundaries, values, weights, hierarchy, material design and it's relationships. This kinda knowledge weighs. What would it weigh? The expectation. The expectancy of a numerical glory, heavens currency to be returned. The fruit of a seed in its pure kind must return its said glory. But what if the glory of one's origin in life is changed. Flesh being owed by whose glory begat it. It no longer has the ability to meet its weight owed in glory. Every flesh has a certain kind of seed and expectant glory. The start value and end must be its own fruit. To eat of a food from a tree from a root system of beast for rulers who were there to keep a definition in a dominion over orders is not the same as the Heiratage of the all power as opposed to the divided powers under the prophetic seal and not above it. I purpose our glory was lost and were were not just naked but lacked a covering all together. So our fallen glory was that of the plants and animals sowed and given a new covering.. The man now the value of a beast 666 a numerical value of the serpent. The beasts rules over a man because he has fallen and his glory changed. God's blood, flesh and glory is unmeasurable. His word however was born via the bosom of Abe, Sarah then The plumb line of EDEN, the tree of life is laid in secret to Jessie by the very rules he is crucified for, he owns and uses its rights to raise up his flesh people. RIGHTS OF ELDEST MALE over female blood relatives. His blood is from the tree of life, the river of life, spills into the earth. It's all power and priceless value is known to the earth by its pure divine glory. The altar, the mercy seat is the 4 corners of the world filling the EARTH WITH THE FULLNESS OF HIS GLORY. ITs now known. I can go on. But It's all paid for. Drink.

  10. Glory to God, so good guys. The poem in proverbs 23 and what you said afterwards. All very serious stuff but wow, what you said.. Maybe the wine is a snake. Immediately I was seeing Paul on the shore a blazing fire near him, the openess of the beach the dark of night and the flickering light of the flames glinting on the scales of the snake.. Right before he shakes it off.

  11. First time listening to your podcast. What an impressive thing to watch! Not to mention the detailed messages that explained so many connections, just from a " Tree" conversation! The brilliant aspect of this show is the chemistry between Luke and Tim. I have seen Tim's several video postings, and enjoyed them and continue to learn from them. But, as many of Tim's listeners, including Tim himself, attest, he has a mind that processes taught a lot faster than many of us keep up. In his own word, he has a way of getting " geeky", which is BRILLIANT! However, when it comes to this podcast, the brilliance of Luke was how he listens to Tim. Even when Tim goes off track, Luke refocus the conversation, and gets everything out of Tim! I am just blown away. THANK YOU, just become one of your many followers. God bless you both!

  12. My sincere apologies to John! I referred to you as Luke, who was the presenter of the first question. Tim had referred to him at one point, and I miss took it to be John's name. I am sorry.

  13. The world is a flat plain, thats why Satan was able to take Jesus to that high mountain and show him ALL the nations of the world.
    Look up the firmament from Pslams 19:1
    People are awakening to truth, the ones that have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth

  14. It seems to me that the discussion that follows the first questions implies that your view is that the tree of life and tree of the knowledge of good and evil are symbolic trees and that these trees did not literally exist. I disagree.