The Chosen | – Announcing the Lineup for the Christmas Special

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You’re not going to believe the artists who came together to celebrate Christmas with The Chosen… we hope to see you on December 13th on our FB and YouTube Channels!

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The Chosen Season 2: First Day Back

You prayed. THIS happened!

The immense weight of playing Jesus

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About The Author

The Chosen WHY A TV SERIES ABOUT JESUS? We've been making movies for some of the biggest studios in Hollywood for 20 years. But a subject this important shouldn't be entrusted to Hollywood. It needs to be made by us. Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing..." The Chosen is a new thing. * How it was financed is new: We're the #1 highest crowd-funded media project of all time -- over $10 million from over 19,000 people. * The content is new: We're the first-ever multi-season show about the life of Christ. * The way to watch it is new: We're the first show to have our own app that connects directly to your streaming devices. No subscription needed. Just search "The Chosen" where you get apps and download to your phone. * How it's reaching the world is new: The show is free, but by "paying it forward," you help ensure people around the world can see it -- we're currently in every country. Welcome to a new thing!

Comment (38)

  1. Love the Chosen.. Love the spirit of those involved in making this come true..

    But Christmas is as pagan as it gets.. We are to be in the world.. Not of the world. The festival of Saturnalia is whats celebrated during Xmas time. He is NOT the reason for the season and not one time in the Word of God does it ask us to celebrate His birth.. But rather His death on the Cross on Calvary.

    Please consider this brothers and sisters in Christ. Research Xmas rituals from the trees to Yule logs to santa claus to gift giving and every single one is rooted in idolatry and ancient pagan holidays.

    You cant play stupid with God and side step the fact that Xmas was banned in America and other parts of the world for years because the only part about Christ in CHRISTmas is using His Holy Name to push a pagan ritual filled festival.

  2. I love the Chosen. However I have come to realize Christmas is pagan and satanic. We need to wake up Ecclesia! No where in scripture does it support Yeshua being born in December. He was born in the fall during Succot, one of the Fathers feasts. I have learned so much in a matter of months because I asked for truth and wisdom. We have to get away from Christmas and every holiday not in the living breathing word of our Messiah. There’s so much that has been taken away from us. Seek and ye shall find!

  3. Please remember to pray with me for all of the people who are going to be watching this Christmas special for the first time who have never heard of The Chosen. I am so thankful for this gathering together of wonderful Christian artists to worship the Lord Jesus! Phil Wickham is one of my favorites! There are several people that you mentioned that I just love and listen to often. Looking forward to it!

  4. I have stopped listening to some of these music however I will pray that this project will awaken them towards the true born again into a deep relationship with God. I really loved the Chosen episode and May God continue to use this efforts for His Glory and Kingdom.

  5. Jesus changed my life, he turned it upside down; from what was on the edge of the precipice He brought me back to life, to the light, to His Light, which kills all darkness, all ignorance, all foolishness. That is why I carry Jesus embedded in my whole heart.