The Chosen | – The Chosen visits wedding miracle site

The Chosen director Dallas Jenkins and biblical consultant Rabbi Jason Sobel visit the site of Jesus’ first public miracle and take you deeper into the scripture.

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At the Sea of Galilee: “The Chosen will catch a lot of fish.”

Why is the woman at the well so important? (The Chosen in Israel)

The immense weight of playing Jesus

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The Chosen WHY A TV SERIES ABOUT JESUS? We've been making movies for some of the biggest studios in Hollywood for 20 years. But a subject this important shouldn't be entrusted to Hollywood. It needs to be made by us. Isaiah 43:19 says, "Behold, I am doing a new thing..." The Chosen is a new thing. * How it was financed is new: We're the #1 highest crowd-funded media project of all time -- over $10 million from over 19,000 people. * The content is new: We're the first-ever multi-season show about the life of Christ. * The way to watch it is new: We're the first show to have our own app that connects directly to your streaming devices. No subscription needed. Just search "The Chosen" where you get apps and download to your phone. * How it's reaching the world is new: The show is free, but by "paying it forward," you help ensure people around the world can see it -- we're currently in every country. Welcome to a new thing!

Comment (47)

  1. And don't bear sin because of him"—Leviticus 19:17. It is forbidden to shame or embarrass one another. We derive this from the verse: "You shall certainly rebuke your neighbor, and don't bear sin because of him." Even when we rebuke a fellow for a sin he… Would like to work with you.

  2. What an insightful segment. Thank you! Honored His Mother. Came to bring life, not death. Creates something extraordinary out of the ordinary. Gave in abundance. God is using The Chosen in amazing ways. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love it and love God for using all of you in such powerful and impactful ways.

  3. Every time I watch that episode I am brought to tears by Jesus': grace, celebratory nature, compassion, and desire to encourage those he interacted with. Thanks Dallas and The Chosen team for capturing this moment so well. Thanks Rabbi Sobel for your insights into Jesus as 'greater than Moses' … brilliant stuff!!!

  4. First of all I thank God.
    Thank you Dallas for this. The chosen makes me feel like I was in the time of Jesus….. So far I have introduced the chosen to more than 500 people and am looking forward to make some collective funding… Will pray and start….

  5. This show easily has one of the best portrayal’s of Christ as a man, however one more challenge/suggestion maybe for future seasons, ideally during season of the crucifixion, I want to see Christ having psychological struggles, struggling with his own desires as a man and the desires of God as he is a man too, which means he had his own desires too, which lines up with a lot of his teachings and the writings of Paul, which is to obey the will of god instead of our own human desires.

    Most forms of media depict humanity of Christ only to the extent of him smiling or laughing which is great, but I personally want to see what could he have struggled psychologically. The controversial film, Last Temptation of Christ really made me connect to Christ as although he was immune to sin, Christ wasn’t immune to human doubt and having his own desires, but the fact that he overcame them shows that maybe we can too.

  6. Deeper meanings?
    Jesus is the Bridegroom of the Church (the Body of Christ) at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; water (prefigures baptism) to wine (blood shed at the Crucifixion, wine at the Last Supper, sacramental wine of the Eucharist). The Woman of Gen. 3:15 and Rev. 12 asks Jesus to perform His first public miracle, the beginning of the road to Calvary, His Crucifixion, our Redemption. God asks for Mary’s fiat ‘yes’ at the Incarnation, and the Redemption. Old Covenant to New Covenant. Jesus the new Adam, Mary the new Eve.

  7. Jesus's first miracle was in a wedding. I can't help but think that Christ's blood purifies all who believe in Him so that all believers, His bride, may partake of the marriage of the Lamb.

  8. totally awesome that you show the Human side of Jesus; pleasing his Mum, wanting the bridegroom not to be embarrassed and producing miraculously the best vino of the Wedding which was culturally important back in the day…and today beats legalism to the hilt CHEERS Ya'll

  9. You miss a lot assuming that his hour refers to the beginning of his ministry. He was at a wedding and the wine is the responsibility of the groom. When he says my hour has not yet come he is referring to his death and resurrection. Remember the church is referred to as the bride of Christ. You make some good points, but you don't want to miss the best part.

  10. How awesome is that? I love being able to worship a God of celebration rather then a staid, stodgy God! I want a God who shows up not a god I have to go searching for and doing stupid stuff to appease him! I want the only true and Living God!!

  11. Prefigurations matters for 1rst century jews. In fact Jesus is the "new Moses". He turns water into wine the 1rst day of his public ministry and will do the other half (wine to blood) at easter.
    For 1rst century jews, the time of the Savior should have begun by the "messianic banquet", characterized by a super-abundant wine (2nd Baruch 29)
    "My hour hasn't come yet", in John's gospel, definitely refers to the hour of the glorification of the Son. Means : ok to make a miracle, I still have some time!
    Και λεγει αυτη ο ιησους τι εμοι και σοι γυναι ουπωηκει η ωρα μου

    now / relation / myself / the / Jesus / what / me / then / you / woman / not yet / come / the / hour / of me

    "Now, you Woman, then, what relation between you and me?"
    Means : but you, mom, new Eve, from now I was your son, hidden from the world, but if you ask me to reveal myself as the Savior, are you ready to see our relation change so much?
    Then Mary validates that, telling the servants to listen to Jesus.
    Cana is the 6th day of the new creation. New creation, new genesis, new 6th day, new Adam (Jesus)… Then new Eve (the one called "woman").

  12. Я как-то фильм смотрела о Иисусе

    Всю Его жизнь,Его нелёгкий путь

    Так это сердца моего коснулось

    Я долго не могла потом уснуть

    И вот глаза сомкнулись и я вижу

    Старинный город,ровный ряд камней

    Мне захотелось рассмотреть поближе

    Стоящих у обочины людей

    Я подошла к ним,вежливо спросила:

    Где я, и что эта за дивная земля?

    И вдруг меня внезапно осенило

    Израиль…Господи,в Иерусалиме я!

    Я вижу как Иисус избит и изувечен

    Несёт свой крест,средь яростной толпы

    Я вырвалась вперёд,бегу Ему навстречу

    Иисус! что сделать мне,чтобы Тебя спасти?

    Надрывным голосом кричу я:Подождите!

    Он исцелял, на всякую нужду давал ответ

    Скажи хоть слово в оправдание Учитель,

    Мы недостойны этой жертвы,нет!…

    Стою пред Ним я в трепетном волнении

    Он руку взял мою и посмотрел,любя

    Кто верует в Меня,тому спасение

    Иду на крест Я лично за тебя!

  13. OMG I've been there in 2015… at Cana. I witnessed my co-pilgrims renew their vows at Church, and I prayed to our Lord to give me a partner to live the rest of my life…. and its already 2021, she haven't arrived yet… I will keep on waiting.