Billy Graham | – Whose Fool Are You? | Billy Graham Classic

You can be a fool in the world’s eyes—or in God’s eyes. Billy Graham explains in this 1982 message from Boise, Idaho. Watch more #MondayNightClassics every Monday at 8 p.m. Eastern.

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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Much more than Crusades, The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is reaching more people than ever before through innovative ministries and global outreach projects.

Comment (39)

  1. \ US MEDIA FASCISM //// – Meet the World Unique USMF infecting AND LEGALLY Voiding U.S. election before run, an open letter aimed only for the eyes of the Highly Respected Supreme Court Justices. [Sorry, one-line-readers, [OLR], it is too long 4 most, harboring too many verifiable facts some OLR prefer to ignore or term [emails to me] "lies", "conspiracy theories", or worse, rejecting daily REPORTED % FATALITIES OF DIAGNOSED COVID-19 VICTIMS treated in 150 nations u care not 2 hear about their HIGHLY DEVOTED thousands of scientists, nurses and workers. publishing daily key health data via JHU, WHO, ECDC, NHC, DXY, CDC.] \\ PETITION 2 SC //// WHY, unlike in 2000, SC Justices are doing nothing, when RUNAWAY HORIZONS OF SURVIVAL of the UNION are petitioning them? – WHY your TIME-INVARIANT DUTY-DESTINY is not effected in face of this growing crisis, and beyond, in the world at large? – Unequivocally proven by media suppressed-hidden-facts presented herein before you to prove the run was totally, legally-void months before effected – concluding, finality numbers may COMPARE with GA-Type RUNOFF-SC-Order to effect the sole, no-escape, no alternative, SC duty-destiny to provide legal solution to HEAL-SAVE THE UNION & perhaps more, domestically and globally. – Is there enough evidence to charge alleged libel by CNN-ACOSTA ? [umf vids, utube] enhanced by USMF, by its own conspiracy to claim WH OUSTING 4 ALLEGED PANDEMIC FAILURE, a top election issue. \\ I recuse myself //// as scientist (books, Amazon/1Mil+citations by Google), from debating politics, except. Living in Palm Beach, FL, I saw, in 2000, << SC SELF-ASSUMING >> its duty-destiny to save the Union. Remaining un-repairables today? -none can fix 1st invalidations -no alternative is left & no healer in sight, but SC Runoff Order. Minimal evidence, that is not mine, but is free speech of pandemic science, -ignored, suppressed-deleted, even herein, by US MEDIA FASCISM, E.G. by JHU, WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY -WHY? the evidence I DARE TO PUBLISH proves the media is NOT EVEN WRONG, like NAZI GERMAN CONSPIRACY THEORIES it reverses onto rivals, e.g., CNN flagrant violation of its public CERTIFICATION BY ABUSING U.S. COVID-%-FATALITIES GOING DOWN: //// FROM Oct 22 [2.75 %] to Nov 17 [2.19%], Nov 2 v. [Nov 16] -Grmny1.97[1.58] -NL2.11[1.88] -Fnlnd2.20[1.91] -U.S.2.51[2.19] -Brzl2.89[2.83] -Frnc2.69[2.26] -Spn2.89[2.71] -AU3.28[3.27] -Cnd4.30[3.68] -UK4.51[3.75] -Swdn4.78[3.48] -Chn5.39[5.37] -Irn5.69[5.42] -Itly5.47[3.79] -Mxc9.92[9.79 (affects U.S. 2.19% ?)] \ Risking its certification by systematically suppressing-deleting, even herein, this fact-science by CNN's ACOSTA libel of WH failing COVID handling, a key election issue, by scaring voters w big virus-Deaths-NUMBERS, not % fatalities of infected, as reported by 150 nations, ALL abused as OLD GERMANY ABOVE ALL BY US UNIQUE MEDIA FASCISM. It is not me, the self-appointed media reporters and editors fascists ATTACK, knowingly allowing only Nos. to be published, which scare voters, void election, libel the WH but only reflect biggest U.S. population, more techs/methods/people declare-trust hospitals allegedly inflating Nos. paid for …? [IN, utube, mails]..

  2. I just found these videos and it helps me out a lot because I'm a Young new Christian and that man is wonderful speaker and he will uplift you and tell you like it is I would love to meet him rest in peace preacher

  3. I’ve recently accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, it has completely changed my heart and my life around. I still sometimes get distracted by the world and it’s pleasures, we are God’s people that are going against this big tide of sin in the world. I pray that God Almighty will give us all the strength and the faith to turn to God during those times of struggles, trials, and trubulation.

  4. My GF's Mom took us to see a Billy Graham crusade in Tacoma, WA, in 91'. I didn't have enough sense to pay attention or get saved that day. I know now, and I am so thankful that I received Billy's message 30 years later!

  5. I was so blessed, i still used his preaching thru sharing it to my relatives and friends, Pastor Billy Graham you are one of the best Pastor i admired… When he preach the HOLY SPIRIT is truly working on him… praying to have like Pastor Billy Graham and Pastor Sprurgeon in the Phils… thank so much for all your videos…. thru them ( Pstr. Billy G. and Pastor Spurgeon video messages) GOD WORDS are remain blessed and be used to saved more souls…. so thankful to you all in his Church….still continuesly showing his messages… GOD bless u all.

  6. Billy the hypocrite living luxuriously in million dollars home's and luxurious cars and Jets and filling up his bank accounts on millions of dollars
    Like father like son like daughter.
    Hypocrite Billy love the lavish lifestyle of the rich and famous
    Billy never practice what he preach.
    Billy should have been thrown in prison in the 70s
    Time to throw these swindlers evangelist in prison with Jim bakker again.
    They have turned God church into a theiving business for themselves !