Charles Dowell | – Chicago In The News Again GET OUT OF THAT CITY

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PastorDowell PastorDowell. The University of The Painful Truth!

Comment (48)

  1. They could have blocked both ends of the street outside that funeral home. Instead it was guarded by one patrol car in front of it. Why didn't he chase after the shooter(s)? Nobody wants a gang funeral passing through their neighborhoods.

  2. Farrakhan tried to warn Chicagoan's to stop the shootings or the feds will come in to deal with them, but they wouldn't listen. Chiraq has asked for it, now they must deal with the consequences!!!

  3. Pastor, its still peaceful here. We have the right to bear arms here. When they come here we will defend our people and property. let the people from Chicago stay in Chicago. Yall have a Blessed day. Stay safe.

  4. Chicago isn’t AS BAD as the media is portraying…it’s bad like any other city that the system is depriving of opportunities like the gang problem in Los Angeles in the 1980s or NYC before Giuliani. Chicago was worse in the early 90s but the media didn’t care because the narrative wasn’t important to them then.

  5. My real name is Yason Antwan Trotter ISRAEL. I had a dream. And my Black Hebrew Israelite brother Donnie Johnson had the same dream. (Together). And we even saw each other in the same dream!!! We both currently live here in Albuquerque New Mexico. In the dream, I was helping my brother to move into an apartment. And I was also helping my Ishaccharite ("Mexican") brother. And then he came and told me that the News reporters were reporting on a major racial hatred event that was happening. Because the Klu Klux Klan had gathered themselves together. To start shooting all black people on sight of them. They were beginning at the New York region. And performing a sweep to murder all Blacks down towards the southern region of the United States of America. And then,… Yahuah God picked my spirit up from out of my body,… And lifted me up like the motion of an flying drone device. Straight up into the sky. And caused my eyes to zoom in, like a telescope, towards the I-40 highway in Tejeras canyon. To see millions upon millions of black people, coming from the north, East and south, and West directions of all America. And they had cars and trucks. U-haul trucks. And Greyhound buses. Fully and even over packed with clothes, some food, and important necessities. All tied down. And wrapped up. For an permanent vacation. And…. Since the United States government declared the event a state of emergency, the balck families all were allowed to go into any available residential structure. Including vacant Warehouse buildings. Apartments trailer houses. And regular houses. Then… A really young black male child came to me. And told me that his father had sent him to me, to let me know that "our people were starting to get over crowded at their temporary housings. And that they was beginning to fight for space. And that's when JESUS CHRIST himself spoke to me. And said; "take your rightful place. Take charge over my people. And use your wisdom to direct my people. And so, I told the young man, that from that point on, to have his Dad cause everyone who had some kind of issue, to come to me.
    Then Yah himself spoke to me. And said; gather all of the white Gentiles who are my people. (True CHRISTIANS). And tell them to open up their own personal homes, and to go and live inside of their own garages. But to let my people live in their homes. And when I did as I was Commanded to do, all of the true white Christians listened to me. And that is when I woke up. And my brother Donnie Johnson was in his dream, during the same time that I was in his dream. And in his side of the dream, he was standing on his new porch. At his new apartment. And an white supremacist with red hair and a mustache and beard and cowboy hat, approached him. And from the lower level, he pulled out a gun, and shot at Donnie's forhead to kill him. Then Donnie held his hand out. And watched his own blood drip onto his hand. But then the blood evaporated. And went away. And his bullet wound closed up by itself!! And that's when he woke up.

  6. I'm from Chicago
    Some of the funeral attendees returned fire
    It was a person who was killed that the funeral was for and the funeral attendees who returned fire were gang members also
    The pastor is telling the truth
    A lot of people in Chicago have illegal fire arms

  7. THIS SATANIC SYSTEM! Job 9:24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he? Until the most High returns to reestablish a New Earth and a New Heaven, so there is no working with the present system it's finished.

  8. As a resident of Illinois (Lake County) the pastor is correct.

    Just as a conversation and grins pastor the S in silent in Illinois.

    Your friend the Boy from Illinois.
    That rhymes and should help from the pronunciation.

  9. They did shoot back and what’s that going to solve? I will tell u, “retaliation” and the killing of someone else black. These revenge gang wars have been going on for years, we now just have the internet to witness them. Move were, I might ask you, everywhere people from Chicago go, they turn the city gutter. Look at Memphis, and now look at Atlanta. Satan does not fight against his own kingdom. So fighting Violence with violence, isn’t going solve anything. What these young men need are male role models, and not these rappers, yes men and men who worship women. These young men need strong men who know how to build and start their own ecosystem. These single mother men are the ones who are Praised on social media, given millions of dollars to talk about killing black people. This agenda is bigger than people think, the killing of these young black males in Chicago is a marketing tool to make money. Look at all the videos, blogs, and sites dedicated to this type of behavior. White people on YouTube and Reddit are treating this like a video game. They keep Score on which gang killed who. Smh

  10. Greetings from the Dominican Republic! I am aware of the laws of those United Snakes of Amerikkka! Unfortunately pastor, I cannot wish for Amerikkka. What Washington DC via the CIA has DENIED US AND YOUR OWN PEOPLE! FREEDOM, JUSTICE AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! As the phrase in my country's national anthem says. No nation deserves to exist, if it is built on the backs of slaves!

  11. Some people can't move unfortunately that's the sad part. For those who can't get out we've gotta pray that the Lord keeps, and protects them. This entire world is messed up, I just don't understand why people would shoot up at a funeral just demonic. I saw that it was a total mess smh.

  12. Shalom Pastor Dowell
    I completely agree with you in terms of us needing to protect ourselves and our need to bear arms. This is something that has been bothering me for some time now.
    My story briefly:
    I live in BALTO, MD—been home for (3) years after spending (14) inside for an assault on a police, when he shot me in the back.
    So, because of that felony my right to bear arms was taken from me.
    I’ve been struggling to maintain as it is!
    Work and everything is hard for me. And with all these things on the horizon, the struggle seems unbearable at times.
    Now ultimately, I know ABBA YAH is gonna see me thru! But I’d be lying if I told you that sometimes I don’t feel like I’m a sitting duck out here!
    I don’t wanna get caught up but I feel like I don’t have a choice. I want to be able to protect myself and my elderly naive Mother.
    On the black market, arms go for at least double that of what thy are in the store. And that’s on the chance that I find somebody safe to deal with. But I must!
    What’s a brother supposed to do?
    My so-called family of women, treat me like a conspiracy theorist because I talk about what’s going on in the world. There’re sleep!!
    I’ve been praying about this for the past year and I just don’t know. What advice would you have for a brother??

  13. Ms lightfoot blames it on Neighboring states because they allow guns and they are Bringing them into Chicago. .

    She couldn’t explain why the neighboring states gun violence was low.

  14. I have finally reached out and woken someone today on the reality of our nation's threat. He thanked me when our conversation was over and told me he has never had anyone explain the truth to him in such words that he had gotten scared from the facts I have said. Waking 1 person made me feel so good. Pay it forward.

  15. I'm in South Carolina and I'm locked and loaded. I hope I never have to take a life. But know this I will not think twice if it is necessary to protect my family and mind. Locked loaded wife locked and loaded. It be a bad day for the fool who try we are prepared.