Charles Dowell | – Jared Kushner v Lebron James

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PastorDowell PastorDowell. The University of The Painful Truth!

Comment (45)

  1. I respectfully disagree with your viewpoint Pastor. LBJ is a Nike puppet, I Promise School is nothing more than a masonic temple that idolizes King James and the Nike motto (Thelema). Kushner simply called out the woke bandits.

  2. When I do inspections at homes built in the 1800's one thing is always recurring. shelves in the basement with old glass caning bottles and maybe the old rubber gaskets. Then the place to lay the potato and apples out. There can be rooms in the basements just for food storage through the winter.

  3. LeBron James is still a Free Mason. His school is masonic in design. I'm sure pizza gate stories will emerge from that school in the future. These entertainers are still false prophets & idols

  4. LEBRON is owned by China. In New York City the rich. Millionaires and billionaires pay for 50% of the state taxes. That pay for the state welfare the provides for us blacks. This whole envy for the rich none sense does not work. They will leave. All the taxation comes from LARGE government. We need less government. Simple. We do need to eliminate lobbyist i agree. We do need to stop giving bail outs.

  5. Been saying if we all stop working for a few weeks to a few months we could change everything…glad to know I am not the only one…but like you said… folks can't stomach the suffering and sacrifice for a true change…may the Christ in Us wake-up

  6. it's not white privilege…it's RICH privilege. sorry Pastor Dowell…I really like your channel, but some of the stuff you speak on is off target. it would be me trying to speak on what it's like to be black. I can't do it. won't even try to do it. I'm not black. in another video, you went on to say that most white Americans are not racist, but then talk in blanket statements implying we're all racist. America does have a racial problem…but I think it's more of a class war more than it being about race.

  7. Lebron does not own that school. Lebron's millions come more from nike sweatshops than it does his own sweat. Do they teach the children about the Way Truth and life at that school? No they do not them children are learning what ever satan is pushing thru the education system. Lebron works for the evil one.

  8. Pastor, I'm sorry. I was trying to report as spam to a comment that is impersonating you. I might have caused a report against your video instead of the comment. If this is the case, I truly did not mean to. Shalom!