Charles Dowell | – Sister Jordan Response to Sports Illustrated

Sister Jordan Response to Sports Illustrated

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About The Author

PastorDowell PastorDowell. The University of The Painful Truth!

Comment (31)

  1. I have been watching Pastor Dowell for years. I’ve never commented but feel compelled to do so. Good for This young lady to make up her mind to come to Straitway. I would rather my daughter be there and serve Yah than to be a whore, lesbian or drug addict.

  2. 23
    5…. AKA emotions and feelings about surroundings / location 2 minutes and 25 seconds into this video and I already have a general idea the atmosphere to go a little further I'll say this 23 year old has changed the way most people feel and see whatever person place thing or idea this young lady is presenting of course I'm jumping the gun so that's find out what feeling any emotion is going to be caused hopefully in a positive way if negative looking forward to teaching how to reverse too bad into heavenly people faces ideas things feelings

  3. Powerful testimony!! I've really learned a lot the past year almost watching your channel.. Although I do believe that Blasphemy is a unforgiven sin. @ 7:22 in video Pastor you totally twisted everything I seen in you that was all positive up to that point… May you repent and forsake..!!

  4. “Children, obey your parents in the Master, for this is right. “Respect your father and mother,” which is the first command with promise, in order that it might be well with you, and you might live long on the earth.””
    ‭‭Eph`siyim (Ephesians)‬ ‭6:1-3‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
    ABBA’s will be done.

  5. Lol told my Afrikan christianized parents listen to my pastor on YouTube hiz names pastor Dowell, showed em a black pastor they ain't say nothin.. Most pop's said another time waz youtubers don't make no money!! I waz in Mississippi I would definitely come visit the church fam

  6. Fake!! Everybody knows it’s rehearse if sports illustrated wrote a article about straight way and if none of the accusations was true you wouldn’t need anyone to come to your defense the most high will come to your defense so this is a crock of baloney

  7. Now to tell her that to eat pork is wrong. So let’s go to the scripture to see when that was set in order. Jesus came and set that in order. See we must study to show ourselves approve.

  8. New Testament read acts 10 when God gave peter the vision. It was two fold. It was the beginning of a new disposition and the coming of the gentiles into the church. Now before hands gentiles we’re consider as dogs and not fit for the kingdom. But The Jews would not do right. So Basically God open up salvation to all men Jews and gentiles a like. God was preparing peter for the baptism of the first gentile nicodemus . Read it and come back to me. Remember there were certain foods that the Jews were forbidden to eat . But God changed that and sanctified it all. Not only was the gentiles gon be saved but everything was good to eat as long as it sanctified and receive with thanksgiving for those that receive. Now ima wrap it up …1timothy 4 chapter …. read for every creature of God is good to EAT and nothing to be refused. If it be received with thanks giving. It is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. I dare you to read 1 Timothy chapter 4 . See these fellows take the truth and turn it into a lie. That’s why you gotta save yourself . You gotta hungry and thrust for truth and study to show yourself approve . Pray to God earnestly and he will give you truth he will fill you.

  9. And it tells you what gon happen to these guys telling you the untruth. Let them be acurse. If you don’t want to eat pork then don’t eat it. But to teach that it’s wrong to eat is sin. However. Until or if your brother is still on milk. If something offends him then don’t say it before him . Eat it at another time out of love for him . Cause you want to help him and hopefully his understanding will be open .

  10. I believe in head covering may be not all the time but a woman head must be covered when prophesying and praying. Pants are debatable because they make women clothes and men clothes. . She should be modest. However , since we are to always pray and we definitely should be prayerful I can see why some wear the head cover always.

  11. Now is the time to study and read behide these pastors. If he has the holy ghost it the same Holy Ghost. The devil can make a lie and make something seem so close to the truth.but Gods holy word cannot lie. Go to the scripture every time. If the scripture don’t support what you doing I don’t want to hear it.

  12. The skirts and long dresses is a by law. Don’t get bylaws tingle up with scripture. Were men wearing pants when Jesus was here? Alright then but there was something about the cut of his garment or men garment that was different from the women. But they were not wearing pants

  13. Gods ppl are full of love. Listen to some of the harsh language this guy uses. That’s not Godly. I don’t know of any Holy Ghost fill man that’s had the police called on them. The law is for the lawless. Watch ppl approach with caution and pray always .