Christian Journal | – China – Where Christians Are Hunted

The acts of the Communist Regime under Xi Jinping in China are increasingly becoming comparable to the atrocities that the Mao dynasty committed against Christians. –

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Comment (18)

  1. This sounds like the Hillary Clinton, Obama, Mueller, Bernie Sanders, & George Soros Dream Land. Let's deport these Treason Committing Fools to China. If not then they need to be hung for High Treason already.

  2. Oh, poor little christians profiting from religions, using deception, propaganda and trying to raise money through fear, guilt and sympathy. You all do it. You all claim it's for "gods work"… So how is it I am doing 'Gods Work" and everything I do comes out of my own pocket? Why is it I'm living paycheck to paycheck, buying their crap for their war, the whole good vs evil thing, And you're the ones who get paid for spreading deception…. I know you are, you all know you are. Taking advantage of the gullible, is scamming.And you all do it. But as for myself, I'm a key player in the prophecy. I had to buy my on bible, my own equipment, I had to spend 2 years learning Grematra… So that I can save HUMANITY…Where it seems Gods money and Gods will os really the CHURCHES money and the CHURCHES will, they profitize on Gods and Jesus's name. It's a multi billion dollar industry, yet we still have homeless, poverty and illness because of religious greed. The churches didn't find me,they didn't even spend 50 cents looking for the savior. They don't want to find him, for they have all sinned. And we all know it. Jesus has returned, and I'm pissed.

  3. See when the mega church leader really needs to speak out look into it , you can hear a pin drop. You have believe that FOR JESUS CHRIST I LIVE AND FOR JESUS CHRIST I DIE, IF IT'S HIS WILL. I WILL BE CHANGED IN A MOMENT, IN A TWINKLE OF AN EYE… PRAISE GOD!! EITHER WAY I KNOW I HAVE A MANSION IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE.

  4. USA should end all relations with this evil empire. And we should Boycott all goods. I'm in construction business any tool i buy made in china breaks in a few days or a few uses. We should be manufacturing our own products ….I'll be praying for my christian brother and sisters over there.

  5. If you worship the wrong God they can give you the death sentence. They put you to death by removing your organs after a match has been found and paid for. Chinese prison organ 'donations' is a massive business. China's organ harvesting operations are almost as large as Israels.
    -fyi…DO NOT BECOME AN ORGAN DONOR!!!! …..they keep your brain 'alive' and you feel all the organ removals before you die.