Christian Journal | – Conceived in rape

Ryan Bomberger, conceived in rape and adopted, brought the house down at the ‘Pro-Life, Pro-Woman’ rally in Alabama.

Ryan Bomberger has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of Purpose. His biological mother was raped yet courageously gave him a chance to live and the beautiful gift of adoption. He was adopted at 6 weeks of age and grew up in a loving, multi-“racial”
Christian family of 15. With siblings of varying ethnicities, he grew up with a great appreciation for diversity. Ten of the thirteen children were adopted in this remarkable family. His life defies the myth of the “unwanted” child as he was adopted, loved and has flourished.

About The Author

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Comment (10)

    Big question
    I'm the winner
    400 million
    Fastest swimmer
    Survivor, why I don't know
    But I'm here and that's
    What counts-
    All my ancestors
    Same as me, each the
    Winner in a race to survive….. But why am I here? Strongest?
    What if?
    Someone, something, somehow… I wouldn't have made it?
    But I am here, and
    That's what counts
    Love, faith, hope
    Every day…
    Let me be grateful
    To be here
    And do my best I can
    Thank you God
    For letting me be here.

    Liz Botica

  2. So, before any of you Jump on my case I am 100% against abortion and I hate it. I would do anything to convince someone NOT to get an abortion. However, to be fair I have know girls who couldn’t get abortions and out of fear tried self-aborting through starvation, throwing themselves down stairs, ice picks wire hangers etc. Which they successfully self- aborted without a clinical doctor. It concerns me that making abortion 100% illegal won’t stop the women who are self-aborting and there needs to be an avenue & option for them. Whether it’s a support system for food, water clothing, daycare etc. Also, please don’t Judge the women who are aborting there is a lot of FEAR that takes you over when you are pregnant and not ready to financially and mentally take care of a child ESPECIALLY if you don’t know Jesus. Especially, if you are raped impregnated and may end up having to co-parent with your rapist who may be a family member etc. I know reckless and serial aborted who’ve been impregnated 5 times or more and thought it was the same as birth control. Just don’t be too harsh with women who choose to abort it not easy out here for people especially again if they don’t know God.