Christian Journal | – Houston Texas Preaching Follow Up

On Saturday March 30, 2019 the WFC Street preachers went to Houston Texas to rebuke the Mayor Sylvester Mayor for advocating for the sexualization of children.
We also went to rebuke the Freed-Montrose Public Library for their allowing a convicted registered pedophile to have children sit on his lap so he can indoctrinate them with his pedophile lifestyle.
When we got there things changed!

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Comment (5)

  1. Too many pastors are in it for money and tax exempt status.

    I suspect that most of the rapture preaching and movies that became trendy since the 70's were to deflect responsibility and fill up seats.

    It was always an easy cop out to preach "Jesus will return at any moment", "Left Behind" than to preach on controversial issues affecting daily life.

    Now it's "Your best life now" type of preaching and "be loving/accepting"….

  2. Humble is pronounced "Umble." The late Pastor Ravenhill is a Hero of the Faith. Along with the late, colleague and friend, Pastor David Wilkerson.
    The Bible says to pray for leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-6 President DJTrump, Jr. is not perfect, no man is, so he needs prayers for changing of heart and guidance. He has stood for the Christian Faith.

  3. There has been much Spiritual Warfare in Houston. 'Houston Mayor demanding Pastor submit their sermons to her office'
    NEWS BRIEF: "Houston You Have a Problem, a Big Problem!", by Don Boys, October 15, 2014
    "The mayor of Houston is a lesbian “married” (in California) to another female so that is a big problem; however, now her honor wants local pastors to submit their sermons to the city to ascertain whether or not they took a position on the city ordinance permitting transgenders to use any restroom of their choice!"
    Adolf Hitler used this tactic to force German churches to submit their will to his. Hitler also sent SS officers to sit in a front pew to hear the pastor preach. If they did not like his sermon, he could quickly find himself in prison. This tactic was very intimidating and very effective.'