Christian Journal | – Is she serious? "If you can own an Ar-15, you can own a nuclear weapon" – Fleccas Talks

Is she serious? “‘If you can own an Ar-15, you can own a nuclear weapon’ – Fleccas Talks

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Comment (47)

  1. These people are complete imbeciles, historically ignorant, and want the government to take away a Constitutional Right like the Second Amendment. It is important for every American citizen to have a firearm and to exercise their Second Amendment in order to protect themselves from these idiots.

  2. The folks calling for "not one more" are actually advocating for "thousands to die" by the hand of AR-15 carrying government THUGS.
    All in blue Or military are either with the people and support ALL of our very unique and important Constitution or they are part of the NEW WORLD ORDER. The Nazi control culture has truly exposed itself.
    Note: EVEN IF if you are in government or wear blue THESE PEOPLE WILL KILL YOU and YOUR FAMILY TOO (*for petes sake folks wake up and smell the java) THE GOAL IS to takeover America.. THEY did not HAVE ANY problem attacking and shooting the INVESTIGATOR man in THE BACK who is investigating Seth Rich's MURDER, whom THEY attacked and SHOT in the BACK OF HIS HEAD to SILENCE HIM!
    **when they get the guns they get YOU!..Period.

  3. The guy in the white hoodie talking about programmed robots & the people marching to take their rights away, he is so right 100% Also the guy who says they don't want dialogue, also on point. These protesters talk about common sense but show absolutely no common sense.

  4. So for all those sheep who are being led around by the nose, here’s your answer. Trump has once again decided to roll anything back that has his predecessors name on it even when it’s one of the VERY FEW good things obama did during his disastrous time in office. He put forth legislation that stopped law enforcement from buying military surplus items and vehicles because our police force should NOT be militarized! This is why the everyday citizen should be able to own weapons that are commensurate with those who are often used to strip us of our rights!

  5. A Cowboy rifle fast as an AR15

    Pump shotgun fast as an AR15

    Six shooter, wheel gun faster than an AR15

    Bolt Action a little slower than an AR15

    ALL above shot bigger bullets than an AR15

    you don't have to take the split second to PUMP your shotgun,
    you don't have to take the split second to COCK your Cowboy rifle,
    you don't have to take the split second to RUN the bolt of your bolt rifle.

    SEMIAUTOs have more moving parts and requires more actions to fix if there is a failure to fire.
    PUMP shotguns, Cowboy rifles, Bolt guns are less likely to break down.

    Those split seconds DO NOT MATTER if no one is there to shoot back it doesn't matter what kind of gun or rifle the evil person has. Someone has to be there to stop RELOADING of the weapon and that person needs to have a gun otherwise the evil guy just walks around killing at will which is why

    GUN FREE ZONES are stupid….

  6. Are you kidding me, lady first of all there is a MAJOR difference between a AR and a nuke….. do I believe we should be able to own a nuke no, but a AR for hunting or to defend your family as long as it's used RESPONSIBLE should be legal

  7. Automobiles…tobacco….alcohol…all items the government profit off of are responsible for way more deaths each year then AR 15's but we don't see anyone calling for them to be banned.Fuck me the police kill more innocent people each year then mass shooters…where is the outrage and non stop MSM coverage that statistically you have a better chance of being gunned down shot dead by police then during any mass shooting.Why are we not hearing that everyday on the 6 oclock news…
    Or that 3x the amount of people killed by long guns each year are killed by drunk drivers EACH MONTH…but we have these clueless idiots marching in the streets to ban AR's…
    The level of stupidity of the average American is fucking disgusting…surprises me thousands a day don't die from suffocation due to forgetting the breath they are so fucking dumb… I wouldn't even care if not for the fact that the majority are brain dead clueless idiots that vastly out number those of us with half a brain making it childs play for the elite owned MSM to manipulate these half wits into doing exactly what the elite want…which is to freely give up our rights for security.
    It's time for the tree of liberty to be refreshed starting with the fake news MSM.

  8. Thought you had a non-inflamatory way to get opinions. True that mass shootings not being largest segment of gun problem. Still assault weapons don't belong. In semi auto capable of 5 rds./sec. Ease of conversion to 14 rds/sec. with homemade BumpStk on AR-15 for <$20. High capacity magazines and high velocity bullets devastating and even a grade school student can handle.

    They are weapons of choice of mass casualty plotters. No guarantee armed security will be a hero. Lacksadasical checks on this guy in Parkland. Those in the future probably more secretive and may want to have the challenge of breaching a protected school. These types most often suicidal, so death don't really scare much. Keep our second ammendment alive by banning them not all as an over reaction.

    See Link on AR-15 on what the wounds can do:

  9. 95% of those people are idiots who probably think the earth is flat also….JESUS please come QUICKLY before they drive us crazy like them….GOD BLESS US ALL more so the BELIEVER'S IN JESUS'S BLOOD & NAME .

  10. This is too shilly to decode. I like that he's leaning towards keeping guns, but the others are way too into killing the 2nd amendment. They got a strike through it with and "F" in one sign. Obviously that idiot would put an 'A' there when her family is getting shipped to prison camps and there's no rebellion.

  11. God doesnt want us being violent I'm sure the answer to this is obvious. So all I can say is a wise man once said,
    "Let Rome keep what is Romes"
    If they want their guns let them but I am against violence and have seen too much of it in my life to ever want to see it again.
    Anyone who has a gun is either, worried about upcoming events and has violent intentions and anyone else just has violent intentions.

  12. What a bunch of nasty no good for none thing ignorant people. If they don't want to own a firearm, fine. Just don't tread on our rights. Over 700 hundred thousand people DIE each year because of doctors. Are you going to ban doctors.