Christian Journal | – Maryland School Shooting: Students Injured During Shooting At Great Mills High School

Shooting in Maryland:

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Comment (24)

  1. Same state that raids home schooling parents! What a joke only this is not funny anymore! They not only won’t protect our children, now they are attacking parents who want to protect their own children! Wake up people!

  2. That’s really sad, but I wonder why Main stream news doesn’t tell about the stabbing that killed a birthday boy and over 30 stabs to a women & other boy. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, March 12th Same county as other school shooting. Oh yes, I suppose it wasn’t a gun, plus it was for his “so called religion” right? So wrong…

  3. Great work from the SRO. A gun on campus to even the odds against further shooters/shootings. Let the future shooters know we will not play. Kill them where they stand. No court, no trial just judgement, death. Screw the FBI. Don't need them don't want them. They are worthless. Keep it local and keep it Tight.

  4. U have Florida school shooting so many unanswered questions to this day, but there r new videos that came out, why the town police refuse to go in the school they heard the shots, n it's just so many excuses why they didnt, pray to the lord we need him badly