Christian Journal | – Police Officer Claims the Gospel is Atangonistic

Lt. Lee Raines of the Spartanburg South Carolina Police infringes on Christian Rights at Drag Queen Story [support us] /> Officer Raines tells us that we can’t down the public sidewalk on the library side and states if we want to walk on the sidewalk, we can go across the [support us] /> When Sammi goes across the street Officer Raines then says she can’t walk across the street and has to be confined to one [support us] /> He further states that the gospel is antagonistic.

If you’d like to express your concern over a police officer infringing on the rights of Christians you can call Mayor Junie White at (864) 596-2019 or email him at juniewhite1937@[support us]

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Comment (12)

  1. Tell The Cops Your Adhering To Your Constitutional Rights And Your on Public Property…
    If He Or Any Puke Head DA Denies You Your Rights, You Will Sue The City…
    IF You Have Them Violating Your Rights On Video, You Can't Loose…

    Spread This Truth World Wide Immediately…


    28min crash course!

    BYE BYE BABYLON! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………Then suddenly, a mighty angel picked up a boulder shaped like a huge Mill Stone , and threw it into

    The Atlantic Ocean ,

    and cried mightily with a loud voice saying!! Just as I have thrown away this stone, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down with violence, and shall never be found again!!!

    The Book Of Revelation, Chapter 18 verse 21