Christian Journal | – Reprobate Mind

Romans 1 tells us that God gave some folks over to a reprobate mind, but why and can they be saved?

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Comment (5)

  1. you are actually preaching love not hate. Hate is to console someone in their sins with no concern or warning to them that they can go to hell eternally. It would not be love to let a child touch a hot stove and get burned when you can try and prevent it. But the world would tell you to let the child live it's life the way it wants and play with hot stoves all it wants. The world tells you that you hate the child if you try and prevent it from burning. I am speaking metaphorically but the logic is the same.

  2. 3/10/2018

    God's ways are very different than ours. Do you know who God is? The answer is no. Yes, you are rich in the profound knowledge of knowing Jesus. Jesus duality is one layer of the onion, but not the whole onion. If you seek the knowledge of truth do not confuse the tree of life which is Jesus with the forest which is God/string puller. Do you know what type of book the bible is? Do you know string puller selects the chosen ones of duality? Do you understand the purpose of our matrix reality? Do you know the functions Jesus duality serves?

    The bible is an occult book. Just read Matthew 13 where Jesus states knowledge of the truth is for the chosen one’s.

    God selects who he wants to save. Of course, it is common sense God is real. Proving God is real is as easy as you demonstrating the law of gravity. How do we prove God is real? This is easy if God has given you the gift of common sense. Deuteronomy 29:4 “But to this day the LORD has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear.” Here is what you do, look into any significant social institution and you will see supernatural manipulation. It is obvious that the goals and outcomes of institutions are not meant to serve humanity. Therefore, if it is common sense God is real then why doesn't everyone give their life to God? It is because string puller selects/elects.

    If the goals/outcomes of institutions are not to serve humanity then what is their purpose? First let’s go back to the bible and ask the question who puts leaders into power? Romans 13:1-2 “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” Daniel 2:21 “It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.” Institutions serve the purpose to punish and enslave.

    After our light body was taken in the garden of Eden, we were placed in flesh bodies. It appears we live in a multi-dimensional, holographic, computer simulated matrix reality. Human emotions, give off vibrations/frequencies. Naturally, different emotions give off different vibrations. Multi-dimensional entities can draw energy or feed off the emotions we generate. The deceptive prison we live in is meant to put a large portion of us into a state of fear/terror/panic/worry because these are the most beneficial frequencies for the parasitic multi-dimensions. The energy harvesting prison matrix works as well as does in part because its design is in alignment with the proven principles of host and parasite relations found throughout nature. Of course, the latter is only one leaf on our matrix tree.

    There is one string puller (God) and a duality – Good and Evil, light and dark etc. If you want spiritual understanding watch the movie The Matrix. This is a model of how our reality is set up. Also see the teachings of God’s messenger "theJonathnKleck". Go on your knees and ask Jesus for these teachings.

  3. I thank Our Father for what you are doing and will be praying for your success . Sin is so ugly and you are dealing with it at one of the highest  levels. I know Jesus died for all my sins but it make me feel sick just to think about the stuff I have done and need His forgiveness for. I have witnessed to a lot of gay people and it is not easy. If Father has me do what you do I will but I hope not soon. Bless you all.

  4. Romans 1!

    for we were so not against flesh and blood and many today are operating under the spirit of the devil because they have been given over to a reprobate mind.

    You cannot reason righteousness with a person who's been given over to a reprobate mind. That's why Jesus Christ said to shake the dust off your feet.