Christian Journal | – The Mark of the Beast

I don’t think it’s obvious that the Gay Pride rainbow flag actually is the Mark of the Beast. I do think it’s obvious that there is a typological correspondence between the two. A Typological Correspondence is when two things are related in the sense that the first thing is the type, and the second thing is the fulfillment.

It’s possible (but still unlikely) that the Gay Pride flag actually is the Mark of the Beast, but I think it’s clear that the Gay Pride flag is a type of the Mark, and that the Mark will be like the Gay Pride flag in important, significant ways.

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Comment (18)

  1. The mark of the beast is from Islam because it is Indian.
    Don't take it, Whatever happens.
    Even if they threaten to kill your loved ones in front of you, then they will just go to Heaven. Then let them go and say No when they ask you to take the chip.

  2. I stopped this video at 4:54. Scripture check time – Revelation 13:17: And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.

    So, no, the Mark of the Beast WILL NOT be the gay pride symbol, because we cannot use it to buy or sell. It seems like you are letting hatred of the gay community overshadow your love of God. Remember Jesus instructed us to love our enemies – even those whose hearts are already hardened against him. The only one we should hate is Satan – the enemy of all humanity. We should PITY those whom have been tricked by Satan, not hate them.

    I am disappointed enough to unsub from this channel. The remnant shrinks daily!! Thumbs down.

  3. Remember the bible talks about how strong the deception will be. Islam is too obvious. Check out the Noahide laws . The bible speaks of Jews that are not Jews but are of the synagog of Satan. Bush Sr. signed these Noahide laws for our country. These laws sound good but if you worship Jesus it is considered idolatry punishable by beheading.

  4. You cant buy or sell without MONEY. The mark is german currency. Trump is german. Operation paperclip brought Nazis to America and gave them government jobs. NA tionalist/ZI onist. Zionist control the global banking cartel. This is not conspiracy theory, it's fact. For the love of money is the root of all evil. Jesus hated what it was doing then and is still doing now. They are buying our souls. Knowledge is power. Jesus is truth. Believing is the willingness to stand against the beast.

  5. The name is on record in Kallstadt from the 17th century. Gwenda Blair suggests the family may be descended from an itinerant lawyer, Hanns Drumpf, who settled in Kallstadt in 1608 and whose descendants changed their name fromDrumpf to Trump during the Thirty Years' War of the 1600s.

    Place of origin: Kallstadt, Electoral Palatinate, Holy Roman Empire; New York City, N…

    Founder: Johann Philipp Trump (1667–1707) in the Holy Roman Empire; Frederick …

    Etymology: Trump; German for "drum"

  6. I really just want to say as a Christian that practiced the gay lifestyle for about 13 years and has since been saved that a rainbow tattoo alone cannot send you to hell. I was on your side for most of this video until you view your tattoos as ok but somehow a gay pride tattoo is damning. Do you recognize that gay ppl can be saved? And that they can get tattoos before they seek salvation as well? Do not push gay people any further from God than they and the system have already pushed themselves. All this crap being taught in school is HEAVY indoctrination. Idk how you grew up but realizing how this world really is after literally being raised into isn't easy and they're doing it at a faster rate. I suggest you change your approach if you want to reach Jesus with any of them next to you to show him. They are also your goal. And there are more of them due to this system everyday. The people..not the ones in charge didn't start this system. We're at a point where they are born into it. Where no one asked for this but they're indoctrinated anyway because a few ppl have an agenda and everyone forced through is praised into being brainwashed. We have to reprogram ppl.
    Jesus wants us all. Remember that.