Christian Journal | – This Week in News: EU Seeks to Replace the USA, Katy Perry, Catholic Church, Trouble on Campuses

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Comment (14)

  1. God bless Mathew Harper…….oh my Lord God Jehovah, have mercy on them even though they know what they are doing…..Yahshua please help us who believe in you , through this continues blasphemous turning of events In Yahshua's Holly name. After watching and reading the notes made me sick n disgusted, making these things law and the looseness in relationships and even identity…….thanks Obama for pushing this whole confusion and chaos on America – you truly are an employee of the fallen ones.

  2. Oh, this is very bad news that these Christian Pastor's are wanting to rid the Old Testament Jewish laws. You see, they are not just laws for the Jews to follow, but also for Christians as well. This is blasphemy and false teaching!!! Elohim says that we are to keep his Feast Days HOLY. If Christians want to be grafted into the olive branch, they must also honor the Feast Days ordained by Elohim.

    As for the EU wanting to take the place of my Country; the United States, (because President Trump getting us out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal) I and many other Americans agree. Any Country that burns our flag and chants, "Death To America" would be foolish to give financial support such a radical hateful institution. Now we have a President that is for the People. Undoing the wrongs made by the past administrations. Only the United States and Yisrael are getting death threats from Iranian officials. It's no wonder why the EU, Germany, etc. still want to remain in the Iranian Nuclear Deal.

    And Yerushalyim is the capital of Yisrael, and always has been. Elohim gave Yerushalyim to the Israelites some 3,000 years ago. Even if y'all choose to re-write history, you will never succeed. There are too many of us that know the truth about the Bible, etc.

    The United States is the land of the free and the home of the brave! We are a sovereign Nation under God. Yisrael is the land of where Yeshua Ha'Mashiach was born, and is the Holy Land. He said that He will do battle with His People. They will win. HalleluYah.

  3. The LAW is eternal. Do not eat unclean meat, Jesus did not declare all meats clean. Read the verse commentary before taking verses out of context. Pork and shellfish are poison, this is scientifically accurate, bacon is more carcinogenic than cigarettes and has many more parasites than just trichonysis, shellfish is the only thing that could harm you just by inhaling it's vapors, and the only thing that could literally give you amnesia or kill you instantly.

  4. Shocking news.but this has been on the cards a long time. 9/11 then it all kicked into high gear. The world is changing. And it's only a matter of time before good and bad will ! Clash.where god takes back everything. Fear mongering, and taljsof war, day by day. Happy tough we all need. "Love did neighbor"

  5. O Lord Jesus it must grieve You so to see such evil/wickedness in this world, as we grieve with You Lord Jesus:( As in the days of Noah it shall be let us give praises, honor, glory, blessings, thanksgiving, to You Lord for You are the God of All Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we give You All the Glory Lord Jesus, Praise You Jesus, Bless You Lord Jesus, bless You Lord Jesus, thank You Lord for All that You do, will do, and are about to do Hallelujah to the King of All kings, and Lord of All lords, The Alpha and Omega, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Prince of peace, Mighty Counselor, Mighty Physician, Our Potter, our Good Shepperd, our All and Everything we give You Glory Lord Jesus Hallelujah and All Glory to the Lamb of God Hallelujah and Amen <3

  6. There can be no un hitching or turning away of any sort from the Absolute Divine Utterances given to us from God Almighty Himself, His Words! Our Father, Our Creator, Our reason we Breathe, Our only true LOVED one, Our Blessed Hope, Our only hope… For someone to state that there's a need to disconnect from the Old Testament is intensely dangerous statement. A very foolish statement or, one of which found a voice to leap from only after being brewed in secret for purpose. So un hitching means turn away from and do not consider a viable, undeniable, Divine actual Words spoken By the Creator of all things our God Father who spoke into the world through the writings of Specifically Hand picked Men by God's choosing alone? Really? So deny your creation? Turn away from your Origin, Your Fathers Commandments which we are expected to keep and obey?? Come on people!?
    Y'all gotta get your heads out your Father Satan's rear end and start be obedient to The Rule. Your ignorance is exactly your undoing! We go by the New Covenant and this shouldn't be something that is being learned at this stage, The New was Born upon The Sacrifice of God's only worthy Lamb! The Old Testament isn't some old worn out dated useless writings! The Words of the Old are Just as Divinely anointed and as true today as ever. The God of old testament IS NOT A DIFFERENT GOD FROM THE GOD OF THE NEW! Are you folks on Some kind of devil dope causing these wildly stupid statements that I BET YOU WONT REPEAT STANDING AT THE STEPS OF GODS THRONE SEAT OF JUDGEMENT!! SAY YOU WOULD I DARE YOU, SAY IT! THAT WAY YOU WILL VOICE YOUR ALLEGIANCE WITH YOUR TRUE FATHER WHO GIVES YOU SUCH WICKED NOTIONS. JUST AS YOU WALKED UP AND SPIT IN JESUS'S FACE, SPIT ON THE THRONE AND GODS LAW! SPIT IN YOUR CREATORS FACE AND DENY HIS WORDS! You are either a very very stupid person, or you are what I'm gonna say you are, just another vessel and false teacher that is teaching false Jesus's, allowing your flesh to be the garment worn by the entity appointed to inject just another dose of dehabilitating venom to an already toxic sick population if confused humans. I rebuke the Blasphemous suggestion and rebuke the wretched worthless demon that has spawned such wicked DISOBEDIENCE and defiance in man, I rebuke In The Name of Jesus Christ which through this Name I'm given absolute Power and dominion over all evil, every demon, over satan himself and it will Be Done upon The Authority Of God's Own Unchallengable ORDER! Be gone you rotten Wretch, My Father Commands This By the Name of The Lamb who Lives Jesus Christ! Done! Now, we must follow the Gospels but we must allows cherish the Old and all the Prophecy and countless lessons. If God gave a Law in the Old Testament and Jesus or Apostle Paul, Peter or one of the Disiples who were Given The Power to work Christ's miracles from him, if they Changed something that was in the Old they made sure all heard their admission to the fact that the Words they spoke were not their own, but Christ Jesus speaking through them. Prayer, in sincere prayer asking the presence of Holy Ghost discernment to allow you to receive full understanding and the ability to TEST ALL THESE SPIRITS AND SERMONS BEING FLOODED INTO OUR LIVES, JESUS SAID TEST ALL SPIRITS AND THATS HOW. HE SAID SATAN CAN COME TO YOU LOOKING EXACTLY AS HIM, PREACHING IN HIS NAME!! SO IF YOU ARE NOT HAVING SINCER PRAYER MEETINGS WITH HOLY SPIRIT, YOURE ALL DOOMED ANYWAY.