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Drug Users Take Over Corridors Of San Francisco Civic Center BART Station – CBS SFBayArea

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Comment (31)

  1. and Gavin Newsom is Lieutenant governor who lives in San Francisco and does nothing about this, he opened safe spaces for drug addicts to go shoot up rather than give them an option for sobriety, and is also responsible for the 4 tons of human waste that just had to be cleaned up off the streets, now he's running for California Governor…Jerry Browns job….we are voting for Allen.

  2. Tribulation and rapture happen at the same time…simultaneously. The rapture of the bride is not the same event as the second coming. The bride not appointed unto wrath she is hidden during the tribulation. Tribulation Jehovah focuses on Israel alone. The bride saints return with Jesus the KING at the second coming to do battle and the end of all things.

  3. Fucking actors. All of those people were actors and bad ones too. I’m not saying that drugs and bums aren’t there, I’m saying this footage is staged. I feel bad for people who can’t see

  4. This is from Your Commie / Socialist Government. . And Presidents from the last 30 yrs. But the Last president was the worst of ALL.He compounded the state of the Union in a Downward spiral of POVERTY. .. And told everyone to get used to it.. (Remember that speach. ?)

  5. We feel bad for these people, but they are very selfish. They don't give a shit about themselves or anyone else. If someone gets stuck with their dirty needles do you think the junkies care.

  6. I never comment. But I felt lead to say the people homeless and taking drugs are hurting . They need Jesus. If you see someone hurting show love. That is what Jesus calls us to do. Blessings and prayers.

  7. Look people you can talk about how corrupt our government is 24/7 and it will not change NOTHING Our government knows how to do two things Lie and wars . But when are the citizens of this country going to react ; Something as simple as a complete one day shutdown and if takes longer so be it ; No work , school , buying or selling for one day with the slogan , NO MORE LIES NO MORE WARS NO MORE CHEMTRAILS! ; No one has to travel to go to a demonstration , No large gatherings = no trouble , just do nothing , go outside your resident for one hour 2 pm eastern time with a sign with the slogan . I'll guarantee you will get there attention . If the kids can organize a school walk out over guns surely we can do the same to get our country back . People we need to organize and organize quickly . July 1st could be our real Independence Day
    Thanks for the reply ; I believe this would be the safest and easiest way to protest , ; Every site I visit I post this option and if you do the same , and the next person does we could make progress but we must all be persistent in posting every site we visit and every day , It may take time but we have all to gain and a lot to lose if we don't try but we must be persistent or we will fail . Add this along wish the original comment of the shutdown protest . Good luck !
    July 1st could be our real Independence Day! Don't wait to pass this on , your not going to change one damn thing by voting ; Just think about , every election cycle we think we are voting for change , think about this have you seen any changes except for the changes our government makes which is worse now , and it happens with each election cycle . Change will only take place when you act , this is not a one post solution we must push this as if this is our last chance and it just may be !

  8. they're not the problem they're a symptom of a much bigger issue and need Gods people to reach out to them. believe me nobody chooses that life style. it's a kind of leprosy in it's own right and some of the most loyal and loving christians are former addicts for they have been forgiven much and they know how to be in the world and not of it though when there in their addiction it's not the way God intended that teaching to be applied but when they are born again they seem to be able to leave this world behind and everything about much easier because they've done it before though now it's for Christ.