Craig Groeschel | – 4 Tips for Christian Dating | Bianca Juarez Olthoff

Did you know that nearly 50% of the Church is comprised of single people? In week 2 of Modern Romance, Pastor Bianca Juarez Olthoff has the Christian dating advice you’re looking for because we’re learning how to date for our soulmates.

Relationships are complicated, but do they have to be? How do you know if your one is “the one”? Can a book as old as the Bible help relationships today? We’re talking about being single, dating, marriage, and more in our new series, Modern Romance.

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The Concept of Soulmates – 00:00
Only God Can Make You Whole – 4:09
Date For Your Soulmate – 7:08
Power of Our Enemy – 12:50
Love Does Not Dishonor Others – 17:16
People Are Not Property – 22:05

#lifechurch #biancaolthoff #christiandating

About The Author

Life.Church Life.Church is a group of people from all walks of life who are being transformed by Jesus Christ. Every week, we join together around the world to worship God and to experience a relevant and powerful message, which teaches truths from the Bible. We are passionate about sharing the love of Christ by caring for each other and positively influencing our communities. The mission of Life.Church is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. This is the foundation for everything we do and has been the basis of our ministry from the beginning. Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life.Church and is known for his creative and insightful Bible teaching.

Comment (23)

  1. Let us have no person, circumstances, or idol in life to drive a wedge between us and Christ. Let us make the intentional choice to remove all obstacles that would hold us back from a relationship with our Great Father.

  2. The sociology professor is a Christian.
    Professor Kerry Cronin, who has taught philosophy and theology for 22 years at Boston College, a Jesuit institution serving 9,500 undergraduate students. Cronin describes herself as both a “devout, traditional Catholic” and an advocate of traditional dating.

  3. This was a great service. Does this woman (couldn't find her name) have other services I could find or where could I find information about her preaching? I love Craig, Joakim, Amy, and all Life church pastors but I wanted to see some more of her too, I haven't seen her before. I think she's very genuine.

  4. Thanks Guest Pst. Bianca Juarez Olothoff 4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Sermon on "4 Tips For Christian Dating" Where I Have Learnt That The Four Tips are:- 1. Intentionality, 2. Clarity, 3. Strategy & 4. Timely Where Love Suffers Long & Is Kind: Love Envies Not; Love Does Not Vaunt Itself, Is Not Puffed Up But Speaking Truth In Love, May Grow Up In2 Him In All Things, Which Is The Head, Even Christ Written In 1st Corinthians 13:4 & Ephesians 4:15 4 I Hope I Don't Learn Only Those Four Tips But Do Them In Actions & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Guest Pst. Bianca Juarez Olothoff, Pst. Craig Groeschel & Life Church So Very Much.

  5. This is sooo good!
    For the long time I used to think that the soulmate is the only way to be fulfilled. I have read so many books with this kind of lie and I started thinking that it's must be something wrong with me or maybe I will never find this special one. But that wasn't true. The only one is Jesus – and I do not have to search for my soulmate. My husband and I found each other because we prayed for that, we wanted to go the same way through life and we felt that God wants us to be together.

  6. Hi all right, I'm from Brazil I always wanted to please God I was always against gender ideology and such things but I never hated someone because of that, just like Jesus said to love our neighbor, but I also don't want to distort the bible, that we all know, the problem is that I didn't know that there was (mainly in the United States) an opposition to the interracial/miscegenation relationship, here in Brazil this is the most normal thing in the world and it has always been both in the churches of old and today (not that there is no racism but here things are not segregated like in the United States).
    After reading several comments I realized how much this was a problem, which for me was always normal, I didn't know it was something "wrong", most of the Facebook pages for example I see always preach that God doesn't care about color of person, in fact most black pastors marry white women. This has made me feel bad I'm mixed, and 99% of Brazil is too. I, for example, have always liked European culture, but I realize that some Americans are afraid that Europe will lose its identity or something, this is putting me in a huge depression because I had no idea that some people thought that way (here in Brazil too but it is very little and they are not Christians, but racism is everywhere).
    In Brazil there were never any segregationist laws or anything like that so it was never a problem for us here, in fact this talk that miscegenation is genocide is an agenda of the left here in Brazil that was imported by the black movement by white Americans. Help me I'm very bad because of this it's not my ethnicity's fault I just want to please God.