Derek Prince | – 📗 God Has Made Himself Available 18/6 – A Word from the Word – Derek Prince

“God Has Made Himself Available” is from the devotional series by Derek Prince entitled, “A Word from the Word.” The “A Word from the Word” videos are produced by James Worthington, a Kiwi who was living in Israel. You can find James on Facebook at @IsraelKiwi . The series is partially funded by donations made in memory of David and Elizabeth Lauster.


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CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis

EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached

Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times

RUSSIA Outreach

MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors

EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached

SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach


About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (17)

  1. Brothers and sister's, whoever reads this I badly need your prayer! I know how close the rapture is and I've always thought that the worst thing that could happen to me Or any christian for that matter would be to get left behind. The greatest desire of my heart is to be with the Lord, dwelling with Him in His house. But I am addicted to drugs and tobacco and I know I won't make it if I'm putting something ahead of Jesus and serving a demon of addiction. The only thing that can save me now is prayer to Jesus that I am set free from this literal demon and that I'm about my Father's business when He arrives. I know so many have and are falling away from the faith right now but I cannot be one of those who do. Obviously I'm not too far gone to know the season. Is there something I'm missing? I've never needed prayer and wise counsel more than I do now.

  2. The Name above every Name, GOD'S WORD is Truth, Life, and will not return unto HIM void, beautiful scenery and of course the Acoustics are so Awesome as usual, yesterday was National Prayer Day, I really Prayed for India, such a sad horrible situation,

  3. Such an marvelous servant of the Lord Jesus. What characterizes apostel Prince is that he has experienced all spiritual gift expressions of the Holy Spirit personally.