Derek Prince | – Agreeing With God Pt 01 of 10 – Invited to Walk with God – Derek Prince

Agreeing With God Pt 01 of 10 – Invited to Walk with God – Derek Prince


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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (8)

  1. we are in the last days. Rev 13 he's the only one I trust through all this. Calvary chapel and many others let me down. I truly feel Pastor Prince would have been more helpful guiding r
    us all through these end times. The vaccine is part of the mark of the beast

  2. Amazing uploads, wonderful graphic too! I'm getting alot of value from this, thank you and God bless! Praise God! We can all have ministries in our own way! Gods plan isn't just for Derek Prince!