Derek Prince | – Good News of the Kingdom, Part 1 – A Time of Restoration – Derek Prince

God’s supreme objective is the establishment of His kingdom on earth; Derek Prince depicts three successive phases from the first to the second coming of Christ.

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Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
A. Primary interest of God is a people for Himself—Deut. 32:9
B. Everything centers around the people of God
C. Three main structures that God caused to be built as His dwelling place
1. Tabernacle of Moses
2. Temple of Solomon
3. Temple of living stones—the church
II. Purposes For His People
A. Restoration
1. . . . of Israel
2. . . . of the Church
III. God’s Purposes In These Times Center In Restoration Of Israel And The
A. Restoration: putting things back in their right place and their right condition
1. Israel—Geographical and relationship with God
2. The Church—Inheritance in Christ
B. The process of restoration for Israel is parallel to that for the Church
IV. Process Of Restoration
A. Acts 3:19–21
1. Repentance of God’s people—inner decision followed by outward action
2. Refreshing
3. Restoration
4. Return of Jesus Christ
B. Psalm 102:13–18
1. Show mercy and favor to Zion—God’s covenant people (Israel and the
2. Servants of God care about God’s covenant people
3. God will receive glory
4. Rebuilding of Zion foreshadows His coming
5. The coming of Christ’s kingdom is God’s final answer to the cries of suffering
6. We are the generation to see these things fulfilled
V. Main Aspects Of The Restoration Of The Church
A. Restoration of gifts of the Holy Spirit—1 Cor. 12
1. Entrance into supernatural
2. Church cannot function on the natural plane alone
B. Restoration of ministry gifts—Eph. 4:11
C. Restoration of the message
The Gospel—Good News


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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (14)

  1. If anyone knows the year he preached the message before he passed away kindly post it please. I'm doing a research study and I need to find out the year he preached this particular series. Thank you.

  2. Good News of the kingdom, Part1 I-a Time o…
    Valuables is peoples
    God concerned God is never breaking Restoration of building
    ISRAEL and Church
    Holy Spirit Noth AMERICA God has purpose.Time is refreshing
    Right conditions repentance of Church
    God bless is released
    Spiritual God control
    God's Mercy, Grace are can earn the God's peoples.
    We need Mercy
    Doing something for God's peoples
    God's set time is come
    Mark on the Calendar.
    Purpose is Mercy, Grace for God's peoples by Holy Spirit.
    For God's Cabinet peoples
    Always the Glory to God
    The power is the God's Glory.
    We need continually
    God created for spacial peoples.
    Restoration is gifts of Holy Spirit.
    Supernatural is for human sense. Holy Spirit is gifts of God for
    Minister, pastor, Evangelist.which is preaching, Gaspel.
    Thank you so much for "Good News of Kingdom."!

  3. Was that the Holy Spirit? I am off to Bed so I was looking for something truthful but not so firey so I can get to bed. I said inside "Ah, Derek Prince" because I had found him so recently and liked his talks and in my mind came "Kingdom of God" and I typed it in and here I am! Thank you for sharing 🙂 <3 Praise be to Jesus the Messiah

  4. Thank God, He's still in control! What is God doing in this generation? God is primarily interested in a people for Himself. We don't realize how important we are as people of God! God's purposes are centered in His people, as His dwelling place, a temple of living stones as His habitation! The church of Jesus Christ needs restoration. God wants to put things back in it's rightful place and it's right condition! To bring us back to a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ! Acts 3:19-21 Until the time of restoration of all things Heaven will release Jesus to establish His Kingdom on earth.
    What has to proceed before the restoration of all things? Repentance, refreshing, restoration and the return of Jesus Christ. Psalms 102:13-18; Hebrews 4:16 God has a set time in which He shall intervene on behalf of human history to show mercy and favour to Zion, His covenant people. The setting up of Christ's Kingdom on earth in the which He shall raise up a special people that shall praise the Lord!

  5. Jesus Christ= (Word of) God= Kingdom of God= Truth= Grace= True Love= Holy Ghost=
    Birth of the Spirit= Eternal life.

    Satan= lord of this earth= material world and its system= money= religion=
    conditional love= flesh/ human (666)= death….

  6. The Nation of Israel rejected God so he finally rejected it and replaced it with a "New Nation" that is the Christian Congregation made up of Jews and Gentles these ones are recognised as his people he doesn't have Two Groups only one.please read Matthew 21:43. Matthew 23:37,38. 1 Peter 2:4-10. And to clarify this the rejection of Israel and the approval of the Christian Congregation Earthly Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 by General Titus. There is absolutely no where in scripture that ever suggests that a restoration would take place. Please STOP telling LIES.