Derek Prince | – Good News of the Kingdom, Part 4 – Two Opposing Kingdoms – Derek Prince

God’s supreme objective is the establishment of His kingdom on earth; Derek Prince depicts three successive phases from the first to the second coming of Christ.

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Table of Contents:
I. Nature Of Satan’s Kingdom
A. Eph. 2:1–3
1. Satan is the ruler of the realm of authority that takes in the whole surface of
the earth
2. Everyone who is disobedient to God is under the influence of Satan
3. Nature of the world—the disobedient against God, who are at enmity with
God in their fleshly nature and their carnal [support us] /> 4. Nature of Satan’s kingdom—He is a spiritual ruler, by spiritual power,
dominating all over the surface of the earth those who are in rebellion against
B. Job 41:34—Satan is king over all the proud and rebellious
C. Eph. 6:12
1. Not persons with bodies but unseen persons
2. Rulerships with various areas and descending orders of authority
3. World dominators of this present darkness
4. Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenlies
a. 2 Cor. 12:2
b. Eph. 4:10
II. Nature Of God’s Inward Kingdom
A. Rom. 14:17
1. Kingdom of God is not in the material realm
2. Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
3. Kingdom of God is coextensive with the Holy Spirit
4. Righteousness can only be found under the government of King Jesus
B. Peace and joy—outcome of righteousness
1. Is. 32:17
2. Ps. 42:2, 4
3. Acts 13:52
C. Kingdom of God is also “among” God’s people
1. To be related in righteousness is to treat other people the way you want them
to treat [support us] /> 2. When we have righteousness we will have peace among [support us] /> 3. When we have righteousness and peace there will be [support us] /> III. The Church A Firstfruits—James 1:18
A. James 1:18—The church
B. 1 Cor. 15:20—Jesus
C. Lev. 23:9–11—Jesus
D. Lev. 23:15–17—The church


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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (6)

  1. I am from Sweden and I thank you Jesus for your servant Derek Prince, who says the truth about Swedish pentecostals. The fellowship is largely sleeping. Wake up for Jesus the Messiah is coming soon. Lord help us to do your Will.

  2. Depression is SO common now as oppose to when this video was shot. Things have changed! Depression is now second to the heart disease being number one in the whole global health crisis. This was the WHO's estimation years ago. I've struggled with it too but the Lord delivered me. Because He loves me. Thank you Father!