Derek Prince | – Good News of the Kingdom, Part 6 – The Kingdom Comes Only By Birth – Derek Prince

God’s supreme objective is the establishment of His kingdom on earth; Derek Prince depicts three successive phases from the first to the second coming of Christ.

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Table of Contents:
I. Preview Of The Kingdom On Earth—Isaiah 33:22, 24
A. Verse 22—What the people in the kingdom will say
1. Our (my) Judge
2. Our (my) Lawgiver
3. Our (my) King
B. Verse 24—Result
1. No room for sin or sickness in the kingdom
2. Where the kingdom comes the kingdom of darkness and its works are pushed
C. The Lord is my Judge
1. I am totally submitted to God’s judgment
2. I accept His sentence on every area of my life
D. The Lord is my Lawgiver
1. The Lord sets my lifestyle
2. Lawgiver (Hebrew) = The one who sets the institutions or patterns of living
3. Follow the right lifestyle and you can be completely well
4. Spiritual lifestyle
a. Righteousness
b. Peace
c. Joy
5. Physical lifestyle—3 basics of health
a. Diet
b. Exercise
c. Rest
E. The Lord is my King
1. He gives me orders
2. I do not make my own decisions
II. The Establishment Of The Kingdom
A. Knowing God’s plan for the future
1. John 15:15
a. If you do not know what God is doing—you just obey orders, you are a
b. If you faithfully obey orders, He will promote you to being a friend
c. As a friend He shares His intentions, purposes and plans
2. 2 Peter 1:16–19
a. There will be no change in the way prophecy is fulfilled between the New
Testament and the end of this age
b. If you heed the unfulfilled prophecy you will know for sure that the Lord
is coming back
III. Prophetic Statements Of What Lies Ahead
A. The kingdom is to come to earth—Matt. 6:10
B. The kingdom is to be restored to Israel
1. Acts 1:6–8
a. When every nation has been offered the kingdom it will then be restored
to Israel
b. Romans 11:25–26
2. Micah 4:1–2, 6–8
C. Kingdom restored through the return of the king
1. Matthew 25:31—When Jesus comes He will sit on an earthly throne
IV. Entrance Into The Kingdom Is By Birth
A. Individual—John 3:3–6
1. No one gets into the kingdom but by birth
2. There has to be a total separation from that out of which you come—
3. Compare to natural birth
B. Israel—Jer. 30:2–9
1. Tribulation
2. Agonizing
3. The kingdom proceeds out of the birth
C. All nations—Matt 24:3, 7–14, 21–22, 29–30
1. Vs. 8—Birth pangs
2. Tribulation
D. Creation—Rom. 8:19–23
1. Vs. 22—Pains of childbirth
2. Vs. 23—Resurrection body—redemption of creation
E. Who or whatever it is, there is no way into the kingdom but by a birth


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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (4)

  1. Valuable teaching and truth about the Kingdom.  Contains excellent revelation about how we worship ourselves instead of God in most of our daily decisions.   This is a great confirmation to me now since it is exactly what God has revealed to me over the past 4 or 5 years too (if not before).  Just recently, Feb. 2015 this has again entered my consciousness and makes clear what is holding back God in the nations…not the ungodly people but "Christians" who have not truly "repented" and turned to God instead of their sun, TV, food, and exponentially more idols now.