Derek Prince | – How to Overcome Evil 1 of 10 – Evil is Someone – Derek Prince

Evil is Someone – How to Overcome Evil 1 of 10


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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (35)

  1. This message blessed me, and may have very well saved me from doing evil of my own.
    Devil = slanderer. Is that not the destructive outcome of spreading gossip? In my small town, gossip has destroyed my livelihood and my peace. I leave my home only if i must, about twice a month. I have children that i hurt because that is my reaction to my sister in laws gossip. Words can destroy. Never doubt that.
    After listening to this, i must rethink the confrontation i had planned.
    What an amazing anointing this wonderful man of God had. The legacy he leaves helps many, especially in the times we live in.

  2. Man of God. You are such a grea blesing to the body of Christ globally my heart blessed the king of kings for the teaching through you and your wife Ruth. The teaching on families is a great blesing to me. The king bles you greatly.

  3. I have heard the Derek Prince testimony of garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness many times. It helps me to know that my enemy is not the human but the spirit that controls the human and my mood is not a medical thing but could be an oppressive spirit. Thank you God for Derek Prince rest in peace and rise in glory

  4. I really want to ask someone because I often wonder. If God is a Satist. It would seem so…but the Word doesn't say that. I have struggled on this earth for 38 years. Suffered. And I don't see any purpose for being born if I am so weak. Too weak to accomplish my work and duties…so I am constantly failing due to disability I was beautifully and wonderfully made with.

  5. Satan/Resister; he (someONe) never gives up on putting his victims through temptation (Join or Die), Devil/Accuser he accuses the holy for not accepting the joys in excessive amounts. Beware of the thing (yellow peril) he'll put you through hard times. The top antichrist forces everybody to sin (out of love for money – manipulation). Persons without bodies, there's neither spirit nor soul on them. Their

  6. I too overcame Satan by the blood of the lamb. I know how heavy depression can be. The actual word of God literally lifted the spirit of heaviness off me. I could feel it lift off. I was even lighter afterwards. It was totally Supernatural.

  7. To end depression: Read the word of God everyday without fail. It will take awhile, but its worth it. Also don't forget to talk to Jesus,about anything and everything. Good luck family bless you.