Derek Prince | – Prophetic Guide To The End Times, Pt 1 – How To Approach Biblical Prophecy

Are you perplexed or fearful as you contemplate the chaotic, threatening world around us? This series on biblical prophecy will equip you for all that lies ahead.

About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (18)

  1. 1. The Falling Away
    2. A Little Horn
    3. First Seal: The White Horse
    4. He Will Confirm A Covenant
    5. The Temple Of God
    6. Second Seal: The Red Horse
    7. The Great Harlot
    8. Third Seal: The Black Horse
    9. The Woman Having Twelve Stars
    10. The Restrainer
    11. A War In Heaven
    12. The Beast
    13. The False Prophet
    14. Fourth Seal: The Pale Horse
    15. The Great Tribulation: Satan’s Wrath
    16. The Two Witnesses
    17. First Angel: Preaching The Gospel
    18. Second Angel: Mystery Babylon Falls
    19. Third Angel: Do Not Worship The Beast
    20. Fifth Seal: Martyrdom
    21. The Valley of Jehoshaphat
    22. Sixth Seal: Sun, Moon, and Stars
    23. The Sign Of The Son Of Man
    24. The Coming of The Son of Man
    25. The Judgment Seat Of Christ
    26. The 144,000 Sealed
    27. The Seventh Seal: Silence In Heaven
    28. The Day Of The Lord’s Wrath
    29. First Trumpet: Hail And Fire
    30. Second Trumpet: A Sea Of Blood
    31. Third Trumpet: Infected Rivers
    32. Fourth Trumpet: A Third Of the Sun Struck
    33. Fifth Trumpet: The Bottomless Pit
    34. Sixth Trumpet: A Third Of Mankind Killed
    35. The Death Of The Two Witnesses
    36. The Physical Return Of The Holy One
    37. They Will Look On Me
    38. I Will Gather The Remnant
    39. The Mystery Of God
    40. The Breath Of Life
    41. The Lamb On Mount Zion
    42. Seventh Trumpet: He Shall Reign
    43. The Mount Of Olives Split
    44. The Sea Of Glass
    45. First Bowl: Loathsome Sores
    46. Second Bowl: Sea Creatures Die
    47. Third Bowl: Rivers Like Blood
    48. Fourth Bowl: Scorched By Fire
    49. Fifth Bowl: A Kingdom Of Darkness
    50. Sixth Bowl: Kings From The East
    51. Seventh Bowl: His Wrath Is Done
    52. The Fate Of Babylon
    53. The Marriage Of The Lamb
    54. The Appearing Of The Word of God
    55. The Mountain Of The Lord’s House
    56. A Remnant Will Return
    57. I Will Gather All Nations
    58. The Temple Of The Lord
    59. Standing Before The Ancient Of Days
    60. The Reign Of Christ
    61. Satan In The Bottomless Pit
    62. The Authority To Judge
    63. The Resurrection Of Martyrs
    64. A New Heaven And A New Earth
    65. The Lamb And His Bride
    66. The Throne Of God
    67. Satan Released To Deceive
    68. Tormented Forever
    69. A Great White Throne
    70. Then Comes The End

  2. Great preachings!!! Ask for God's Grace to bee able to do His will, because in our own power we cannot do NOTHING. Walk in the power of The Spirit, by praying without ceasing, presenting your petitions with thanksgiving, boldly go to the trone of God YOUR Father, because Jesus TOOK ALL of yout sins, and made you a new creature (notice: past tense).

  3. Pastor Prince, I regret having not discovered you before you went home to the Lord. I wanted to tell you that your dedication to God has taught me to understand and be able to acknowledge the Holy Spirit when he communicates with me. Finally I can act on his blessed attention that I could not until now! Bless him for not giving up on me and may I meet you one day in heaven. For the first time in my life I truly feel there is hope for me! Blessed be The Triinity!