Derek Prince | – Repentance 4 of 5 – But I Don't Need to Repent!

Derek Prince Sermons: Repentance 4 of 5 – But I Don’t Need to Repent!
This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince.

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Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (8)

  1. So many preaching now assuring people all the need to to the have Jesus into their lives, is to “just believe”, that’s all. I know many people who actually believe in Jesus but they don’t say they have a relationship with Him. Really bothers me, these people will stand in judgement for leading people in the wrong path . There’s no repentance, no changed life, just “believe”.

  2. Does repentance erase reaping what you have sewn. Does it mean that ppl can do thing for 30 years then simply repent and pay no price or cost. Is repentance o ly linked to salvation in the end, or does it erase all you e done. My brother repeatedly yells repent to everybody. But he has continually for 41 years disowned and neglected the needs of his own 1st. Born son all the way until he just recently passed. Now be probably will repent. The son is no longer a pro Ken to him. So, Is allllll of that neglect and abandonment just over? Forgotten and erased if he repents? It's not like he can change or prove that it is genuine because his son is dead now. We have all done things we could have changed, some live to repent then make a change. Is the repentance more worthy if you still have time to show the changes, or less if you let time run out.

  3. “There shouldn’t be one that’s looking for me to repent of anything. God already knows I repented why do I have to go all the way to the other end of the earth,especially when I can’t even afford to,there wasn’t a church home to repent in ;So I just ask God to have mercy on me and forgive me and I believe he did forgive me ,why?,because he said so,And I haven’t did it since. This was almost four years ago., But the devil wants us to walk around dwelling on that same sinful act After the Lord has forgiven me already. It’s over,I haven’t did those thing since. I’ve fasted;prayed/cried out to God with a sorrowful repented heart.If The Christ that died Forgave without a shadow of a doubt,maybe others should now follow the Lord I want to be Like the Lord NOT STUMBLING on forgiveness of small things before the others but to be a Good example of how forgiveness look ;And how Repenting look as well. Because people will fall at times ,I’m still working on myself as well to be a Better individual than from where I use to be And thank The Lord He did increase my Faith and He’s even given me a much better picture of who my enemies are as well.” You have to forgive some of these people because this world is full of deceit,some women become a prey they really need to be protected from this.”