Derek Prince | – Who Am I? – Part 3 – Why You Have A Body – Derek Prince

Analyzes the components of total human personality from creation to climax. Confronts you with yourself: your potential, your problems, and your ultimate destiny.

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Table of Contents:
VII. How To Be Spiritual, Not Soulish
A. Make Jesus head of every area—be dependent, initiate nothing—leave that with God
(Eph. 1:22)
B. Live by God’s Word—not by wishes, ideas, feelings (Matt. 4:4)
C. Cultivate humility—learn to serve (Gal. 5:13; 1 Pet. 3:4; 5:5–6)
VIII. Your Body And God’s Purposes
A. Made from materials prepared in the earth: minerals (Ps. 139:13–16; Job 10:8; 33:4)
B. Primary purpose: to dwell with man (Ex. 29:45; Lev. 26:11–12; Rev. 21:2–3)
C. But not in man-made temples (Acts 7:48–50)
D. “Stones” are redeemed believers (1 Pet. 2:4–5)
E. The temple
1. The collective church (1 Cor. 3:16–17)
2. The individual body of each believer (1 Cor. 6:19–20)
F. Specifically: the belly = “gut” (John 7:38–39)
1. Greek: koilia (compare Matt. 12:40; Phil. 3:19)
2. “Bowels” = Seat of our deepest responses
3. “Moved with compassion”: 12 times of Jesus
IX. God’s Provision For Your Body
A. The indwelling Spirit (Rom. 8:11; Eph. 1:19–20)
B. God’s Word (Ps. 107:19–20; Prov. 4:20–22)
C. Continuing renewal from within (2 Cor. 4:10–12)
X. Your Responsibilities
A. Offer your body (Rom. 12:1–2)
B. Individually receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14–17)
C. Present your members (Rom. 6:12–13); especially the tongue (James 3:8)
D. Keep the temple holy (1 Thess. 4:3–8; 1 Cor. 6:13, 18)
E. Maintain the temple—compare your car, home, garden, clothes


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About The Author

Derek Prince Derek Prince. Through our radio program, books, audio, and video it's our honor to carry on the work that Derek Prince began so well and loved so much. Use the links below to visit the Derek Prince International Office websites.

Comment (22)

  1. In my 60 years of living I listened to many Preachers and learned step by step the truth about the Holy Book.But there were always few things in their sermons that I could not believe according to  the Scriptures.With Derek Prince it is different.Everything is Biblical.Everything he is preaching fits exactly with Scriptures.This man is a living miracle from God.I am so happy I lived long enough to find Derek Prince and now I have proof that a human being CAN understand the Bible and explain it in simple words.Even a child could follow the sermons.The Truth has no age.It is everlasting.

  2. The bible doesn't start and end within the pages of a book. The bible is the written account of scriptures that have been. If we were to simply contain everything into those pages.. we would have to eliminate a lot of things in the modern world. This is often the issue I have personally.. because while yes the bible holds fundamental truths.. to explain those sometimes means stepping outside of those pages. I'm not trying to do a Hillsong and make it all about Eminem.. but I do believe he has been harshly judged over the years and made out to be something he isn't.. as have many others of a high status within the world whether celebrity or not. When I hear it preached that they are a negative influence it really upset me.. because I saw more honesty there than within the walls of the church often. That's just my own personal experience.

  3. Derek Prince has been such a blessing to me and I am learning he has been so to thousands. Such an exposition of biblical truth is undoubtedly God ordained. For those who harshly judge him iam not surprised because if you fail to see the truth he exposes you must by necessity hate him

  4. I have never heard such deep teachings of the Bible explained so clearly n so brilliantly simple so that normal people, like me, can understand.Thank God I found these videos.Derek Prince, thank you n thank you DPM.

  5. Grest message as Derek always had, but he never would have approved of that silhouette of the woman on the fromt of the video. It insults his legacy and God. . Just look at how Derek's wife dressed.