Greg Locke | – Christmas Eve Service

About The Author

Pastor Greg Locke Pastor Greg Locke. Greg Locke is the Lead Pastor of Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, TN and is a sought after conference speaker. Contact:615-553-4040 Follow

Comment (31)

  1. Shalom GLORY Alleluia the best is yet to come. Sound's terrific AGAPE luv to you ALL dear bros and sis of GVB CHURCH. MERRY CHRISTMAS Pastor and family Alleluia and MARANATHA GOD BLESS AMERICA ONE MORE TIME from( kanata Canada Mtl) JUST BEAUTIFUL PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. your bros in CHRIST Franko✌

  2. Thank you for having this Christmas Eve service. My family and I have been disappointed in our church for cancelling wednesday night life groups, last Sunday’s service, as well as the Christmas Eve service they had planned due to their fear about covid, and due to some people in the church having covid. A Christmas Eve service was what I wanted to experience in person, but your online service was just wonderful, and I felt like I was with y’all.

  3. His body was placed in a tomb.

    But three days later, the tomb was empty ?!

    And the man, alive once again but still with his wounds

    (so anyone who doubted could see them and touch them), appeared to many people in many places.

    Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again….?? wow!


  4. Now let's tell you a story about a man called Jesus:

    A god assaulted, by a proxy angel, ?

    inseminated a 'virgin' named Mary,

    in order to bring his son incarnate into our world.

    A cowardly and disgusting action… by any god…! (typical of the men who invented these gods)

    Mary and her cuckolded fiance ?,

    ….Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census.

    There Mary gave birth to an illegitimate son of a 'god' ?

    Oh Wow…!

  5. I would love to hear all the ones that play instruments and are part of the singers ALL TOGETHER. The different voices and instruments really sound beautiful. You need more female singers and some deeper voiced male singers—what a blessing to hear this beautiful music. GVBC really is a wonderful blessing for all of us that are states away, and even nations away. GOD'S BLESSINGS AS WE GIVE PRAISE TO HIM.

  6. Awesome! Pastor Greg, am blessed, encouraged and strengthened, so appreciate your messages and the worship is wonderful, all Glory and Honour to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! John 14.6 Amen! Shalom with love and prayers from India

  7. Merry Christmas to everyone.i love you asking for prayers for my family today.we lost a family member this he was playing with his little girl this morning.he was gonna race his little girl to the Christmas tree and he fell and busted his head open .they got the blood cleaned up and his wife went for butterfly bandages and when she returned he was please pray for lil Ella cause I'm sure Christmas will never be the heart bleeds for them today.thank you all.i love you brothers and sisters in Christ

  8. The government is on his shoulders… and since he is the same, today, tomorrow and yesterday, he iholds THiS government in HIS hands. Nothing happens, without HIS consent. HE IS in control! His plans are so much bigger, than what our limited human mind can comprehend or imagine.
    Emmanuel – GOD with us. And he wants ALL to be safed. The lost sons and daughters to return home, no matter how far snd deep they strayed, the father will run to them. His reedeming love will overpower us all and every knee will bow! I trust him in control completely. His plans are so much bigger, that what i, what we think they should be! He is the creator of the universe. He can lead hearts and minds like waterstreams. He will shame the kings of this world, the kingdoms and governments built by men. It will all fall to dust in the presence of his glory!
    Become all things to all humans, so they might be safed. Love your enemies, hate their sin. But it is up to GOD to judge. To seperate wheat from chaff. (Matth. 3:12) we are to help them see the cross, the possible forgiveness that comes frome the one, that died for EACH of us, fallen and lost sheep. The risen CHRIST is ALL, we have to give testemony of. Turn the other cheek and trust, that HE IS in control. All happens according to HIS plan! Nothing on this earth happens without the will of our GOD! If he allows this government, he has a plan with it! And HIS victory will put all our plans to shame! He wants ALL his children to be saved!
    He goes after the lost sheep. He came for the SINNERS to be safed. The captives to be freed. The sick to be healed. Who is forgiven much, loves much. We will be overwhelmed, when we see HOW big his love is for the ones we condemn… and how big their love will be for him! No one is beyond his reach!

    When revival happens… who do you think will flock to our churches? It will be the worst of the worst, the stained and hated. And the father will run to embrace them! Let us not be the son that stayed home in our reaction.
    Whom was jesus ministering to, with wath people did he stay? The thiefs, scribes and prostitutes… the pharisees scolded and condemnd him for it…
    Yes, he is with us. But he is also with THEM. Are we ready and willing to unconditionally let thrm come, lead them to the cross, step out of the way and trust him, that HE will change them?
    I was one of them. And i love him much! To not hurt him anymore, motivated me to change.
    Not the christians, that judged and condemned me, unable to see through the lables, they put on me… driving me further away.
    It was LOVE, that made me understand, that i need forgiveness….

  9. What happened to "faith without works is dead?" Come on Church!! If you call yourself a Christian, you need to stand up and take action! The future of this country is in YOUR hands! We have one more round!!! Get up and get out there before it's too late!! What are you so afraid of?? An enemy of demons? Last time i checked, we have the Holy Spirit inside of us. There's nothing to be afraid of. Get out there and take action! Do you really want to be known as a lukewarm Church???

    This isn't for Pastor Greg. He has how many followers now? With all these people watching weekly, we can easily take back this country. Get up!!!