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Pastor Greg Locke Pastor Greg Locke. Greg Locke is the Lead Pastor of Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, TN and is a sought after conference speaker. Contact:615-553-4040 Follow

Comment (41)

  1. Any pastor that puts his wife out and marries his church secretary that’s married is a deceiver. A real shepherd takes care of his own household first and foremost. Don’t put yourself under authority of a person living in adultery and rebellion to God’s Word.

  2. I was out of Church for so long I had no idea how far the Church had strayed from the bible, If there is such an uproar about what Greg is Preaching that tells me the Church has lost its way. When I went to church it was always Preached this way. So I Stand With This Church and its Pastor

  3. Derek Prince taught about this years ago and has a fabulous video about deliverance from demons that's maybe two hours long. It's worth watching. Praise God for Pastor Greg Locke!

  4. after watching this service, i watched this video of Kim Clement talking about the spirit of Python. Also, our local church this morning preached on Paul’s joy, using the same passage In Acts that pastor Locke taught from. This is the second time in a months time that our local church taught from the same passage as Pastor Locke. God Is moving and speaking and confirming. God is Good!

  5. Amen !!!! Get the spots and wrinkles out of the Bride of Christ. Since the beginning of the lock downs and the churches closing down and hiding in their houses I knew that God was getting ready to iron out the wrinkles in the Bride of Christ and getting all the spots out of the Bride. The Lord is cleaning up the Bride of Christ. Deliverance has been going on for years but not the whole body of Christ has been cleaning up themselves. We are in that warning period in Revelation chapter 2 where the churches are being told what to repent of.

  6. Glad it’s getting Hot. The Lord says in Revelation that He wishes we were either Hot or Cold but when we are luke warm He spots us out of His mouth and His mouth is what the Truth comes out of. His mouth speaks truth so if you’re luke warm you have been spit out of Gods mouth, spit out of the Truth. Luke warm is not in the truth

  7. Genesis 1: 3 – 5. 3 And God “““said”””, “““Let””” there be light: and there was “““light”””.

    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God ‘““divided””” the light from the “““darkness”””.

    5 And God “““called””” the light “““Day”””, and the darkness he called “““Night”””. And the evening and the morning were the “““first””” day.

    Malachi 4: 2 & 3. 2 But unto you that “““fear””” “““my name””” shall “““the Sun of righteousness””” “arise” with “““healing””” in his wings”””; and ye shall go forth, and “““grow””” up as calves of the “““stall”””.

    3 And ye shall “““tread down””” the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the “““soles of your feet””” in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of “““hosts”””.

  8. Amen! I for one CAN’T WAIT for God to expose ALL the “high level” pedophiles! (Many of them pastors and priests) God is exposing corruption and he’s starting with the church. Many people will be shocked, but they shouldn’t be if they read their Bible!!

  9. God says, "Worship me or burn in hell!" Only a coward would worship a psychopathic 'god' like that. Christianity is a cult of blood and human sacrifice. So disgusting. And the Bible is full of pornography, incest, violence, and all kinds of sick stuff. Holy rollers are sick people.