Jim Staley | – Passion Points – 4 Steps to Reverse the Curse

In this message, Pastor Jim teaches how to identify the problems in our personal relationships and how to solve them. The Bible gives the formula for reversing the curse right in the opening chapters of Genesis, and Pastor Jim breaks it down into four simple steps. We hope you’re blessed by this message!
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how to identify the problems, personal relationships, how to solve problems in relationships, a formula for reversing the curse

#JimStaley #PassionForTruth #Yeshua #Torah #ChristianRoots #HebrewRoots #Christian #Messiah #Christ #Messianic #EarlyChristians #Blessings #Curses #TheLaw #ReverseCurses #HowToIdentifyTheProblems #PersonalRelationships #HowToSolveProblemsInRelationships #FormulaForReversingTheCurse

About The Author

Jim Staley Teachings Going back to the roots of our faith. Freeing people from the traditions and doctrines of man. Jim Staley Teachings. John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 17:17 Set them apart in Your truth – Your Word is truth

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