Jim Staley | – Passion Points – "Santa Claus is the Norse god Odin"

(Originally published on Dec 3, 2013)
This excerpt is from Pastor Jim Staley’s teaching, “Truth or Tradition.” To watch the full version online, click here:

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Learn about the origins of some of Christianity’s most beloved holidays. Remember, it’s not about what they mean to YOU, it’s about what they mean to God!

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About The Author

Jim Staley Teachings Going back to the roots of our faith. Freeing people from the traditions and doctrines of man. Jim Staley Teachings. John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 17:17 Set them apart in Your truth – Your Word is truth

Comment (24)

  1. Attention pseudo-intellectual hipster-bearded internet pastor – your research is tripe and you speak with the insane confidence of a flat-earther. On Christmas Eve all children will be excited about Santa Claus and none of them will give a fuck about Jesus. Not a one. Think about that on Christmas Day. May your excess delusion give you comfort during your life of futility.

  2. There were no Norse pagans in 16th century Holland, they were Christians. Most of them wouldn't even know much about Odin at that time.

    The fir tree isn't Sacred to Odin. He doesn't have a particular sacred tree, but if any it would be the yew.

    Sinterklaas is just a kiddy way to say saint nicholas. A notable figure in Christian history.
    Odin has never been associated with red, he wears blue or spotted coats.
    Having a beard is not an important note. It's like saying he has two hands.
    Odin doesn't have a white beard anyway, his beard is always called grey in every single story about him.
    Having a crosier is not a noteworthy thing. It's like saying it's an important detail that the driver has keys to his car. Everyone with a car has keys to it.
    Odin is always shown as having only a single eye. Having Odin have 2 eyes is like making ba'al a servant God. It literally wouldn't be him anymore