Jim Staley | – Passion Points – "Shocking origins! Church steeples"

This excerpt is from Jim Staley’s teaching, “Truth or Tradition.”
(Originally published on Apr 5, 2013)
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Learn about the origins of some of Christianity’s most beloved holidays. Remember, it’s not about what they mean to YOU, it’s about what they mean to God!

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Jim Staley Teachings Going back to the roots of our faith. Freeing people from the traditions and doctrines of man. Jim Staley Teachings. John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 17:17 Set them apart in Your truth – Your Word is truth

Comment (9)

  1. This is something that is not even remotely correct. Where did you get your degree? If you look up the word Obelisk it will not have the definition he is explaining. And steeples are not an obelisk. You clearly said that it has to have the “same structure” but the steeple doesn’t even have the same narrow shaft with nothing around it. Just because the building of a church has a tall part to it doesn’t mean that it is sun god worship. Research church history and you will find where steeples came from. Do people actually believe this stuff that your teaching? I hope you didn’t get your degree from ORU.

  2. Seriously? I grew up hearing this. This is NOT accurate at all. A church steeple and a phallus are not even in the same category. But, I guess because a steeple can sometimes resemble an obelisk that that makes it one?

    Heres a quick history: because churches were the most important building, they were the tallest, loudest, and they were located in the center of the town (not only were religious services held in the church but also town meetings). It needed to be easy to locate- the bell was the call, the belfry was the land-marker. The steeples were actually belfry’s which housed huge bells so that they could be heard for MILES away. There’s folklore also behind it during the gothic era- which is pretty interesting- but that too was false information. The real purpose was as I previously stated, it needed to be the tallest and loudest building and that’s how Christian churches developed the steeples. Glad I could learn ya something.

    Also, clocks were used as well- before clocks were everywhere, people needed to know the time, so the church had the Belfry and town square clocks- please re-research this. It’s not fair that people are hearing the wrong information- and sadly, they believe it.

    Just fyi, the steeple didn’t come into existence until the early 7th century AD.

  3. My wife believes more about the steeple and than it is about the people of the steeple than it is about the community nobody knocks on doors it's not to many shepherds these days who truly minister everybody is busy. My wife had a pastor once the doors closed due to lack of tithes he stopped being the shepherd that's most of them in America it's about you coming to them but they are not about making true followers it's about following the churches and the steeples they are not going come and break bread like in acts most of them are more concerned about meeting for 45 minutes a week it's about the steeple and the people in the steeple most of the time sometimes you find people who do care but it's very rare especially in these times they are more selfish but they think we are all lost sinners because we are not going to church every week that has nothing to do with loving Jesus and living for Jesus it should effect more than your church life that's religion it's different than a relationship it's become a museum for saints not a hospital for sinners stop going see if they come by no most you will get a card maybe flowers but the churches stopped being the church and it's more about the building for the most part everybody is too busy but Jesus and his disciples had lots of interruptions they took the time but not today it's about church attendance and Bible study but forget anything else unless it's entertainment at the church the churches are a joke these days it's very sad.

  4. I just had an epiphany while watching a documentary about Egyptian obelisks on Gaia. So I looked up Egyptian Obelisk Church Steeple, and this is the only video on the subject. What a crazy realization! No matter how much the puritanical ministers rage against paganism, they can't escape it! The symbol of Ra's power is on top of their churches, and they're clueless! Brilliant!